
When Transitioning Paperback Publishing From ‘CreateSpace’ To Amazon’s ‘Kindle Direct Publishing’ (KDP).

by Anura Guruge

I ran afoul of two small things in the KDP setup that screwed up the process. So, I just want to give you a heads-up. They don’t seem like much but either of them could delay the publishing process.

So, here are the two innocuous but, nonetheless, costly ‘gotchas’:

  1. The first (default) option for book interior is CREAM and not white (as you would expect). Cream paper is THICKER. So, this makes the spine of the book BIGGER. So, if you, like I, upload your own cover, as a PDF, your cover size will be WRONG! Very annoying.
  2.  The default on covers you UPLOAD is that they will contain the barcode! Yikes! Yes, yikes. There is a little box that you have to UNCLICK if you want KDP to print the barcode. Don’t get this wrong. It will cost you a 24-hour delay in publishing.

I screwed up on BOTH of these — partly because, as ever, I was in a hurry. I am sure that if I took my time I checked all the options carefully I would not have screwed up. But, just want to make sure that you don’t run into these two issues.

Have fun. Good publishing.

P.S., I still miss CreateSpace.

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Check Category ‘books’.

by Anura Guruge


Tags: , barcode, book, cream interior, CreateSpace, KDP, Kindle, kindle direct publishing, paperback, publishing, spine width

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

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