Opinion In ‘Quora’ On How To Increase Your IQ Fairly Consistent With My Beliefs.
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I have some fairly strong views on intelligence, IQ and IQ Tests — which I have spelled out in my two “Brain Meditation” books. I think we are all born with a maximum potential IQ rating that we can never exceed whatever we do, how hard we try. That said, I am know that most of us do not even get within spitting distance of that Max. I reckon that in the majority of instances our brains, at best, are working 30% to 35% BELOW that Max. But, the good news is that we can work on trying to improve on that number — i.e., go higher up in terms of brain utilization, and hence ‘IQ’ rating.
I know that you can learn, train and practice to be better at IQ tests. Anything that regularly stimulates brain chemicals, in a good way, such as just plain thinking and meditation, also helps, indubitably.
Hence, why I could relate to this Quora post and even bothered to bring it to your attention. The last 4 items listed are all to do with THINKING. The ‘imagine’ admonition is a variant of what I urge in terms of ‘virtualization‘ in my ‘Brain Meditation‘ program. So, check it out. You have nothing to lose.
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