“Mark Felt” Movie (2017) On Starz — Very Topical, Insightful & Taut.
YouTube trailer.
Mark Felt, The FBI Associate Director from May 3, 1972 to June 22, 1973, was the infamous ‘Watergate‘ ‘Deep Throat‘ to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of The Washington Post.
Given what is happening in D.C. right now, it is one heck of a topical movie. They could not have timed it better. Provides you with great insights into the FBI, their command structure and how things are supposed to happen.
I am not a ‘Watergate’ buff and have not read (and cannot remember seeing) ‘All The President’s Men‘. It was kind of before my time; I was at the time living in the U.K. and having the time of my life in College. American politics were way outside of scope of interest. But, overtime I did learn enough about it to know the general plot, the main characters and what transpired. As such it was not difficult for I to follow and enjoy this movie.
What I was struck, repeatedly, was the parallels with what has been going on in D.C. with Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Muller etc. Fascinating. Like watching history repeating itself.
Highly recommended. The movie is readily available. I DVRed it off Starz.
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