Archive | July 23, 2017

Emperor Haile Selassie I, Revered By Rastas, Was Born This Day 125-Years Ago; July 23, 1892.

by Anura Guruge

To be honest I really don’t know much about him. Yes, growing up in Britain in the last 1960s & early 1970s his name would come up as a ‘figure of importance‘ much like Nelson Mandela who was in prison at the time. I know that he was controversial in the later part of his life. But, then again Rastas revere him and even think that he may be divine. So, it would be wrong and churlish not to mark this birth anniversary — especially since it is the 125th.

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by Anura Guruge


Donald Trump’s Vicious Vendetta Against ‘Washington Post’ Could Harm Amazon With Antitrust.

by Anura Guruge

Trump’s 3am tweet on Saturday, July 22, 2017 — cutely linking Amazon & Washington Post.

From July 17, 2017 ‘Marketwatch’. Click image to access original.

President Donald Trump DETESTS, really, totally and utterly detests Amazon on three counts — two interrelated. These being:

  1. During his candidacy for President, Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder & Chairman/CEO, was vocal in his opposition for Trump — and like so many he never, for a nanosecond, thought Trump would win.
  2. Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post in 2013 — and it is one of the newspapers that has been a constant thorn in Trump’s derriere continually breaking damaging and embarrassing stories about the star-crossed Trump administration & family.
  3. Trump, with his simplistic way of thinking, figures that Amazon is ‘unamerican’ in that it has hurt other American businesses and in his mind, does not pay enough tax (though we know what Trump thinks about paying his own personal taxes).

In the July 22, 2017 early-morning Tweet he, in print, tied together Amazon and the Washington Post — though they, legally, only have Jeff Bezos as a common factor, neither Amazon or WP having a financial stake in the other.

Among the powerful arsenal of unilateral powers that Trump wields is that of being able to get the Department of Justice (DoJ) to open an antitrust investigation into Amazon. Amazon shares will drop 20% on that news — which will not in itself be disastrous since AMZN is up 37% YTD and 186% over the last three years. Antitrust will not kill Amazon. It will just slow its progress. I started working for IBM (albeit in the UK) in 1974 when it was in the midst of its long drawn out antitrust travails. It was a pain. Just had to double, triple guess all decision and document everything. Amazon will prevail but it will get ‘winged’.

Trump is vindictive as we know and Amazon is an easy target. So this bothers me.

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by Anura Guruge

Flowers Of Halfmoon Lake, Alton, New Hampshire — July 22, 2017.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

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Anura Guruge Alton Lakes Mid-Summer Flowers Sony a7 II 2017 New Hampshire

This is ‘our’ lake in that we have beach rights to it and during July/August, weather permitting, I try to go to it around 6pm for a quick 100 yard swim and a quiet read by the water. Invariably I have a camera with me. This year we don’t have as much flowers at the lake as in previous years. Hence these few — plus I screwed up a couple more.

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by Anura Guruge

The Picture Of The Day (Sony a7 II) + 6 Also-Rans — July 22, 2017.

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Check here for resolution details.

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Anura Guruge Halfmoon Lake Alton Sony a7 II Summer 2017 New Hampshire

The also rans:

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