Ahead Of February 4, 2017 Sri Lanka ‘Independence Day’ Some Drawings From 1950s Ceylon.
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This drawings are Copyright protected.
Yes, these are MY drawings, in crayon, when I was about 6 or 7.
For those that are familiar with Ceylon/Sri Lanka the scenes should be recognizable! The beach, with the ships and a kite flyer is Galle Face, in Colombo.
The top picture is of Sri Lankan devil dancers.
A car on the 2nd floor of the house was NOT some aberration. That was actually the case. The house, the house that I lived in, was built on the side of a hill. So there was a level below the car porch, if you viewed the house from the back!
The hunter is a genuine Vedda — the original indigenous folks of the island. I had been out to see them.
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