“All The Way”: Movie About LBJ’s First Year As President — Powerful, Enthralling & educational.
This great movie, the featured movie from a couple Saturday’s ago, is still showing on HBO. Definitely worth watching.
Given that in 1964, I was 10 years old and living in Ceylon, Lyndon B. Johnson was a tad ‘before my time‘. Yes, over the years I have learnt that he was a forceful president and that he was the President that finally made ‘‘ a reality in the U.S. I had also heard stories about his above average endowment, public bathroom habits (touched upon in the movie), womanizing (also mentioned in the movie), brashness, effectiveness, disillusionment with Vietnam etc. But this movie taught me a lot. It was one heck of a movie.
Two thumbs (and more) up for it. Very good. Really enjoyed it.
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