
Short Microsoft (MSFT) — Windows 10 Is Riddled With ‘Critical Errors’.

Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail.
. .
by Anura Guruge

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critical error101

Deanna ‘upgraded’ from Windows 7 to Window 10 and it proved to be an unmitigated DISASTER! Windows 10 is absolutely riddled with SERIOUS — nay, CRITICAL — errors and it is slower than frozen molasses.

Basic things like the START menu stop working or sometimes JUST DISAPPEARS. Yes, the START MENU goes away. I found a fix for that on YouTube and that worked.

Then two days ago, about a week after we fixed the missing START menu problem, she started getting the above CRITICAL message. We spent many hours, to no avail, trying to fix that. I gave up. She, quite rightly, detests Windows 10. So I gave her the restore disk for her laptop and within about an hour, while we watched family TV, her ASUS laptop was back running Windows 7 — and everything is noticeably faster.

Check the Web. Windows 10 has serious problems. Lot of folks are doing what Deanna did. Reverting back to Windows 8 or Windows 7.

This is bad. It is a disaster. I, from day one, had a sneaking suspicion that we would start having issues like this with Satya Nadella. I don’t think he will last long BUT it looks like that he will drive MSFT even further into the ground before they boot him out.

I don’t understand WHY this is NOT getting reported in the financial media, e.g., CNBC and MarketWatch! Definitely looks like a coverup. Are they getting paid by Nadella to keep this under wraps. But, trust me, this is NOT good news for Windows 10. This debacle with further sully the MSFT brand and convince even more people to ditch PCs and go with Apple or Android.

So, YOU have been warned. Do your due diligence. . Yes, Google.


Tags: , ASUS laptop, bugs, CNBC, critical, critical errors, disk, dissapears, , MarketWatch, Microsoft, MSFT, restore, Satya Nadella, slow, START menu, Windows 10, Windows 7

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

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