‘New’ Market Basket — Arthur T. Demoulas PLEASE Don’t Skimp On Hand Sanitizer.
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As the above listed posts would amply testify I am a HUGE fan of Market Basket and of Arthur T. Demoulas (and my association with Demoulas’, on a family basis, goes back 30 years).
My wife and kids joke that I can’t be within a 10 miles radius of the Market Basket in Concord, N.H. without finding an excuse to stop there.
I vocally supported the boycott last year and I was beyond thrilled that Arthur T. finally got total control of the chain.
So, I was bummed today that ‘they’ — and this could just be a misguided decision just at the Fort Eddy Store in Concord, N.H. — are trying to economize on public hand sanitizers!
Come on.
Yes, of course, everything has a price, Market Basket (rightly) works on thin margins and every cent makes a difference.
But, come on. Cutting back on hand sanitizers!
As they would have said at my rather exclusive Public School in London “Play the White Man”!
I was amazed. They used to have two large dispensers, of the paper kind, at each of the two entrances/exists. Today they were gone.
I went and asked a manager — or at least a guy in a red jacket. I think his name was “Sean” and he had a tag that said “22 years”. This was around 1pm, Monday, May 11, 2015. [Look it up.]
He said that they had to REMOVE the dispensers because the WIND from the entrances were drying out the napkins. They were losing 2,000 a day from the wind.
I pointed out that you can get other types of sanitizers — e.g., liquid. He didn’t even bother to respond. This guy was pompous and ignorant. Not what I had ever seen with Demoulas management. Never mind him. He can’t help it.
I just would like MORE hand sanitizers.
Yes, as is ALWAYS the case with my apparent madness there is a good reason. I get cheese ends, whenever I can, at Market Basket. I love the VARIETY. 30 shades of cheese in one shrink wrapped package. I like to start devouring the cheese even while I am at the checkout. No, I am NOT cheating them. It is already weighed and their is a label with the original price. But I like to sanitize my hands BEFORE I break into the packet.
So Arthur T. — please.
Give me back my hand sanitizers. Liquid ones will be fine.
And PLEASE talk to ‘Sean’. Some of us do KNOW what we are talking about
5pm, Monday, May 11, 2015 UPDATE.
I just spoke to an ‘Assistant Manager’ at Fort Eddy, Market Basket. Appears that the hand sanitizer policy is, indeed, handed down to them from up high. The napkin variety, supposedly, is the ONLY type they are permitted to use — least aggressive and meets OSHA standards. Well I asked him to escalate the matter.
Market Basket (as in the New England stores) does NOT have a Website! He confirmed that.