Archive | January 2, 2015

This Blog, NHLife.WordPress, Had 265,019 Hits In 2014.

.265019hitsAnura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail

by Anura Guruge

Related Posts:
>> 350,000 hits.                           >> 250,000 hits.
>> 200,000 hits.                           >> 150,000 hits.

80,000 more hits than last year.


Click to ENLARGE. All the gory details. The blog hot statistics (analytics in the technical term) provided, automatically, by WordPress for each blog. I only started blogging on this blog, in earnest, in July 2012 just ahead of the London Olympics. Prior to that I did most of my blogging on ‘Popes and Papacy’ and ‘Papam’.

726 hits a day.


Click to ENLARGE. Year End report provided by WordPress. This is for 2014.

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This was the equivalent 2013 report. They used the same Louvre Museum analogy. 4 MORE days added to 2014 — 12 days to view as opposed to 8 days. Click to access 2013 post.


Vow, I averaged 3.7 posts a day — if I use a full 365 days. Yes, there were days I didn’t post. So it is more like 4 posts a day.


Hits from 199 countries. That chuffs me. Cute.


My son, who is into Web analytics in what he does, grills me regularly on where I get my traffic. He is impressed that I do know, right down to the details, exactly how and where my traffic comes from. He still hasn’t worked out how he has this kind of interest in this stuff.

My New Hampshire property tax posts are my bread-and-butter. I get hits on those everyday, non-stop, 365 days a year.

My Malaysian Air MH370 coverage has been popular given that there are references all over the Web that I was the first to mention the Maldives Islands.

My posts on people losing audio with DirecTV when switching between HD and SD channels is another perennial favorite, very amusing to me because DirecTV still denies that it is an issue. Funny that. I have had 13,000 hits on a problem that doesn’t exist. Just think how many more I could have had if there was indeed a problem.

My fascination with have paid dividends. That I get so many hits on the Doodles is gratifying. Well in 2014 we had a with 3 to 4 Doodles a day. That was a bonanza for this blog.

Towards the end of the year my posts on the ‘Woodstock Lodge’ episode on “Hotel Impossible” got nearly 10,000 hits! That  Anthony Melchiorri kindly had a link to this blog on his FaceBook page was a bonus. Cracked me up. Thank YOU, Anthony. I will have to buy you dinner.


Not sure what 2015 holds for me. I take it as they come.
Our cardinalabili post has been a hit given that it is getting
eferenced by a number of Italian sites. That is good.

I THANK YOU all for your support.

Happy New Year.

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