
This Blog, My ‘’, Now Has A ‘4’ Handle.

Anura Guruge, June 8, 2013.250post1345

Anura Guruge

Related Posts:
>> 350,000 hits — June 20, 2014.
>> 250,000 hits — Feb. 18, 2014.
>> 200,000 hits — Dec. 2, 2013.
>> 150,000 hits in 2013 — Nov. 18, 2013.
>> 100,000 views … — Aug. 24, 2013.

hand-4-fourThis is my main blog and yes, I will readily admit, that each of these milestones amuse me. Actually it is gratifying. I write because I have a unquenchable desire to share information. That to me, from day one, has what it has been all along. Dissemination of information. There is, if you have experienced it, a curious sense of satisfaction doing so. A public service of sorts. Plus my business cards, for the longest time, used to say ‘raconteur’. So blogging, especially on this my ‘anything and everything goes’ blog meets that requirement. Telling stories.

I just checked my ‘popes and papacy’ blog. 656,833 hits as of today. So just between these two blogs, not counting my ‘Windows 7‘ & ‘papam‘ blogs, which between them have close to another 400,000 hits, I have crossed the One Million hits mark. Yes, as my son points out regularly a million hits is nothing. I know that. But, at least I now have a million hits. It is like in cricket. It doesn’t matter if you got a short-hop, unless you put it away for a boundary it does not count.

fourhandle While fame and fortune is what all writer’s aspire to, though I gave up on that long time ago in exasperation, having your writing read is kind of nice. Plus it is good to know you are helping people. I know that my N.H. Property Tax Rate posts are extremely popular. I just went and had a look. I have had over 16,000 hits on those posts. I am delighted. I know people find my tables of use. This is something the State should do. They don’t; so I do. Ditto with the ‘no sound‘ problem on DirecTV. DirecTV denies, lying through their teeth, that there is a problem. But, I have had 5,000 hits on that posts. My post about what I think of the talk of Sri Lanka leaving the Commonwealth has had 4,000 hits. I am gald. And then some funnies. The ‘Trading Options‘ book and why it is not available online. That is what I consider a ‘throw away’ posts. [Yes, there is a method to my madness when it comes to these posts. There are various genres of posts and I have a formula by which I mix them up!]. That post has had 4,000 hits. My annual ‘Red Poppy‘ and ‘Beaujolais Nouveau‘ posts in November get thousands of hits, while just one of my Malaysian Air MH370 posts got 5,000 hits in a day. So it is nice that I am providing information that people are looking for. [That actually is another story that I should tell. On any given day I know what people are interested in finding out about.]

Oh, in case I forget, the math works out at over 700 hits a day, on average, in 2014 — with the 1,000+ days compensating for the 500 days.

As some of you have cleverly worked out, this blog also serves as my own private electronic journal. It is always easier for me to type than to write by hand and dashing off a blog post is as easy, if not easier, than creating a Word document. Plus, WordPress, automatically takes care of archival etc. These WordPress blogs are magic. So convenient. Thanks to this blog I now have, electronically searchable, preserved ‘forever’, log of my activities. If I want to know what I was up to on June 23, 2014 I first check this blog. Even if I had done a post about everything I might have done that day, the encoding I have, jogs my memory. Aaah.

As I wrote 11 days ago I created a ‘Documents’ page for my new and still incomplete ‘‘ Website. That was sobering. Next week is my 61st birthday. So it was time to take stock of what little I have managed to achieve in life, other than the 4 lovely kids: 21 published books (readily available on Amazon, with another done and awaiting proofing and yet another half written in my head), 3 or 4 (maybe 5) other books (on Amazon) with my name on the cover, 370+ publications and now 1,000,000 hits. I could, of course, have and should have done better. But, I think — maybe I should say, I hope — that this puts me in the 51 percentile of the world population in terms of actual words published and SEEN by folks. I really should do better. So, I am going to end this post, because I really, really, really must work on the books.

Thanks for the support. It is much appreciated. Keep on trucking.



About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.
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