
The Fitbit ‘Versa 2’ Gets The Ultimate Accolate — My Wife Loves It!

by Anura Guruge

Click images to ENLARGE.

To appreciate the truly monumental magnitude of this endorsement by my wife, you have to understand 5 germane facts:

  1. My wife is not new to fitness trackers or Fitbit; she actually was a very early adopter of Fitbit and had their original clip-on tracker 10-years ago.
  2. My wife has, and usually wears, a Garmin Vivosport with GPS and has owned a Fitbit Alta HR & Flex 2.
  3. My wife, earlier this year, wore both a Fitbit ‘Versa Lite‘ and a ‘Inspire HR‘ and was not overly impressed.
  4. My wife is very fussy about what she will wear on her wrist (and it takes a lot of convincing on my part to get her to try these watches that I get for evaluation).
  5. My wife is the dream demographics for this Fitbit.

I was blown away. She likes her Garmin and could not wait to take the ‘Versa Lite’ and the ‘Inspire HR’ off a wrist. The Versa 2 she loves. And the reason is fairly simple. The BRIGHT, BIG AMOLED display. AMOLED displays, when properly implemented are addictive. They look so bright, crisp, vivid and appealing. So, it is basically the display, and display alone! Everything else she pretty much got with her Garmin — which has GPS to boot. But, she never uses the GPS.

This is good news for Fitbit. My wife is THE target market for this Apple Watch ‘killer’. If my wife loves it, so will legions of other females. And that, as far as Fitbit is concerned, should be all that matters.

Yes, of course, I got it from ‘Heart Rate Monitors USA‘, (HRM USA). Who else? I get ALL my smartwatches from them — no exceptions.

Click to access this must check Website.

They, HRM USA, is having a Fitbit Versa 2 GIVEAWAY.

Click image to ENTER.

Related Posts:
Search ‘Garmin’ & ‘Fitbit’.

by Anura Guruge


Boris Johnson Pityfully Panders To Donald Trump By Aping His Ultra-Long Tie.

by Anura Guruge

From September 24, 2019, meeting in New York during U.N. General Assembly. From YouTube. Google to your heart’s content.


What is he trying to hide?


Boris KNEW Better.

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to access my post.

This is SAD, very sad, but it was not a good day for Boris Johnson. So, I guess he felt that he had kowtow to the BIG BOSS — the only one in power of power on his side.

I used to like Boris. Not sure what is happening to him. This long tie affectation is not going to help him, and no, it does not hide his growing and inescapable pudge. He is looking and acting like Trump by the day. I guess he can’t make up his mind whether he wants to be like Churchill or Trump — and NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO: Trump in NO WAY looks, acts, thinks like Dear Winston. Plus Trump doesn’t drink. Dear Winston would be, rightly, appalled.

Ah, poor Boris. He really does know better.

This is so sad.

Related Posts:
Search ‘Trump

by Anura Guruge

I Start Wearing My Garmin ‘Fenix 6 Sapphire’ Putting My ‘MARQ Explorer’ Away.

by Anura Guruge

Click images to ENLARGE.

Yes, the Fenix 6 Sapphire and the MARQ Expedition are very similar but there are subtle differences.

The screen is fractionally bigger, BRIGHTER and the whole watch, when going through widgets, menu etc. is faster (i.e., snappier). Also the 4-data field option with activities that I couldn’t get to work with my MARQ.

I am NOT getting rid of my MARQ. SMILE. I am keeping it.

After 40-years in the computer business I am into redundant hardware. I have two (or more) of most things. I have three backup generators! Well, I didn’t have a backup Garmin. SMILE.

This was my third Fenix (having had both a 5 & a 5 Plus). If you count the MARQ Expedition it was my 4th of this ‘family’ — not counting my two Vivoactive 3s. So, I am not exactly new to these watches. That said, setting up the Fenix 6 required some effort. Part of that was the exact customization I sought. Not fully done yet. I need my widget loop just right. Right now some of the widgets and APPs are not available.

Garmin Express is also trying to install a ‘Golf Club’ file — and that file is not compatible with the Fenix 6! So, that complicates all the software downloads. Yes, you can select that file and ask it to ignore it. That works.

I like it. I customized the supplied Fenix 6 watch face to show what I wanted. Top Image. Easy enough once I worked out how it works!

I am happy. I will keep you posted.

Yes, I got the Fenix 6 Sapphire — as I have my last 6 Garmins — from ‘Heart Rate Monitors USA‘ (HRM USA). I do not deal with anyone else.

Click to access ‘HRM USA’ Website … and check out their DEALS.

Related Posts:
Search ‘Garmin’.

by Anura Guruge

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Refrigerator on dirt road Anura Guruge Google Pixel 2

The also rans:

Related posts:
Category ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge


Is ‘Mike Pompeo’, Secretary Of State, Also Turning Orange?

by Anura Guruge

Click to access this ‘ABC News’ coverage. Google … this Sunday … for more.

Click to access ‘Mother Jones’ article.

Yes, I am a news junkie. I watch a lot of news shows.

It was very noticeable on Sunday that Mike Pompeo was distinctly orange.

It was scary.

Is this orange thing contagious? How do you catch it. Scratch that. I don’t want to know!


Will Melania turn orange too, or has she, wisely, stopped physical contact with Agent Orange?

Just didn’t want you to miss this.

Related posts:
Search ‘Trump.

by Anura Guruge

STILL Cracks Me Up When I Get A Royalty Cheque For TECHNOLOGY Books I Wrote 16 Years Ago!

by Anura Guruge

The statement always come in September and the payment hits the bank at the end of the month.

This year it was 1/4 of what it was last year, BUT it is still enough to guy me a gallon of red wine and I am cool with that.

This was a ‘Web Service’ book I wrote and published in 2003 — 16-years ago!

Click to ENLARGE.

This was last year.

Click to ENLARGE.

If these were NOT technology books it wouldn’t crack me up at all. But, these are books that are now 60% out-of-date! Yes, some of the basic principles will still be the same but a lot of water flows under the bridge over the course of 15-years when it comes to technology.

These books have a ‘Look Inside‘ capability and people can return them. That I am still getting royalties mean that people must still find some value in them. That pleases me. These were good books when I wrote them.

I also got pretty decent advances on each of the books. So, I am pleased. I am smiling.


Related posts:
Category ‘books’.

by Anura Guruge

Garmin ‘Fenix 6 Sapphire’ & ‘MARQ Explorer’ Side-By-Side On My Wrist — Unboxing The New Fenix 6.

by Anura Guruge

Click images to ENLARGE.

Garmin Fenix 6 Sapphire MARQ Explorer Anura Guruge

I hope you can tell which is which. The Fenix 6 still has the ‘stimulated topo map‘ sticker that is affixed to the face. The MARQ Explorer has the titanium body.

Look real carefully — and I mean real carefully — and you will see that the black ‘bezel’ around the edge on the Fenix 6 is fractionally smaller than on the MARQ. That I guess is why the Fenix 6 is said to have a 1.3″ display vs the 1.2″ display on MARQ and the Fenix 5 Series.

I took these as I was unboxing the Fenix 6. I hadn’t charged it as yet. I haven’t charged it as YET! Sorry. Crazy busy day. Didn’t want to rush it. I do have a MARQ on my wrist. I want to ENJOY the whole process. Yes, of course, I will keep you posted.


Yes, I got the Fenix 6 Sapphire — as I have my last 6 Garmins — from ‘Heart Rate Monitors USA‘ (HRM USA). I do not deal with anyone else.

Click to access ‘HRM USA’ Website … and check out their DEALS.

Related Posts:
Search ‘Garmin’.

by Anura Guruge

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