Tag Archive | selfies my way

Taking Selfies My Way — Day #23 Post-Knee Surgery — March 30, 2019.

by Anura Guruge

Click picture to ENLARGE.

I actually took these pictures to show-off the close and comfortable shave I managed to get with the new Gillette SkinGuard razor. Then, I realized that these were also ‘selfies my way‘.

So, here is what is kooky. This is the mirror in MY bathroom. I have never taken a ‘selfies my way‘ using that mirror — and it is the mirror I spend most time in front of! That is typical I. Well, now I have rectified it.

Yes, I am topless. Bottomless too. I am not exactly shy.

Well 3-weeks post surgery and I am still around. Sorry.

45th post in this “Taking Selfies My Way” series.

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by Anura Guruge

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