
Anthony Bourdain, THE LOSER, Had The Audacity & Hypocrisy To Criticize Hillary Clinton Just Weeks Before His Suicide.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE. Base story from “Fox News”. Google for plenty more.

Click to ENLARGE.

By then, the ex-heroin addict loser, must have known that he was going to call it quits. What a loser; committing suicide leaving behind a 11-year old daughter. See my earlier post to see why I think he was a MORON to commit suicide. My criteria is very simple. Folks like Bourdain should try walking in MY SHOES for maybe just 2 hours. They will then walk away realizing how incredibly magical their lives are. Maybe I should offer this as new kind of ‘Good Samaritan’ anti-suicide program. Come walk in my shoes for 2 hours. You will realize how good your life is compared to what some of us endure everyday — and we never consider suicide as an option.

So, that is my major gripe with bloody Bourdain. That he took the easy way out leaving behind a young daughter. To I that is rank cowardice. Plus, I, as somebody who never ever succumbed (though some of my best friends were v. heavy users), I have no great respect from drug addicts. To I, they are weak human beings. Sorry.

So, bloody Bourdain has no right to criticize . She has her faults BUT they are not a patch on his. In major contrast to him, she is a fighter. Bourdain just gave up and folded.

Well, I am not going to get into Bill Clinton. Yes, some of what Bill did was plain wrong. But, he has a good heart. And even he is a better man than Bourdain — but that is not hard to do.

Just drives me nuts that people still try to lionize bloody Bourdain. He was no hero. He was a LOSER.


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Search ‘celebrity‘ & ‘drugs

by Anura Guruge


Tags: Anthony Bourdain, anti suicide, , Bill Clinton, celebrity, criticize, drugs, Hillary Clinton, loser, suicide, walk in my shoes

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

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