Anthony Bourdain, THE LOSER, Had The Audacity & Hypocrisy To Criticize Hillary Clinton Just Weeks Before His Suicide.
By then, the ex-heroin addict loser, must have known that he was going to call it quits. What a loser; committing suicide leaving behind a 11-year old daughter. See my earlier post to see why I think he was a MORON to commit suicide. My criteria is very simple. Folks like Bourdain should try walking in MY SHOES for maybe just 2 hours. They will then walk away realizing how incredibly magical their lives are. Maybe I should offer this as new kind of ‘Good Samaritan’ anti-suicide program. Come walk in my shoes for 2 hours. You will realize how good your life is compared to what some of us endure everyday — and we never consider suicide as an option.
So, that is my major gripe with bloody Bourdain. That he took the easy way out leaving behind a young daughter. To I that is rank cowardice. Plus, I, as somebody who never ever succumbed (though some of my best friends were v. heavy users), I have no great respect from drug addicts. To I, they are weak human beings. Sorry.
So, bloody Bourdain has no right to criticize . She has her faults BUT they are not a patch on his. In major contrast to him, she is a fighter. Bourdain just gave up and folded.
Well, I am not going to get into Bill Clinton. Yes, some of what Bill did was plain wrong. But, he has a good heart. And even he is a better man than Bourdain — but that is not hard to do.
Just drives me nuts that people still try to lionize bloody Bourdain. He was no hero. He was a LOSER.
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