A Life of Granite in New Hampshire

English Can Be So Cruel To Foreigners Like Us, Even Those At The Indian “The New Camera” Website.


by Anura Guruge

From “The New Camera” page on Facebook. This was a post from yesterday, i.e., March 25, 2018. Click to ENLARGE and savor at your own speed.

Another “The New Camera” gem from August 2016.

Refer to this July 16, 2016 post for previous examples.

Why does English insist on being so confusing, confounding, cruel and callous to us foreigners. Why can’t it be simple and logical like Sinhalese (my native tongue) or Hindi (that of “The New Camera”).

‘Fast’ refers to speed, so why is ‘fasten’ not related to speed?

So confusing. It is so bad like with ‘good’. I never understood why it is never good, gooder and goodest. Sounds good to I.

I am convinced it is a conspiracy to make us foreigners sound bad, if just having an accent wasn’t more bad.

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by Anura Guruge

