
“Orgasms: 101 Facts & Trivia” — My Latest Book.

.Anura Guruge December 2014 thumbnail
by Anura Guruge

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Available from Amazon, as a $0.99 eBook,
readable on ANY platform.

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or a Web browser.

"Orgasms: 101 Facts & Trivia" book at Amazon by Anura Guruge



"Orgasms: 101 Facts & Trivia" book at Amazon by Anura Guruge

A snippet, items 42 to 44, in Part A ‘The Condensed Highlights’, from “Orgasms: 101 Facts & Trivia” by Anura Guruge. Click to ENLARGE and enjoy here. Use links above to order 99 cent readable on any platform eBook from Amazon.

This book details over 101 separate, diverse, self-contained true facts about human orgasms. They are divided into 5 categories: Hers, His, ‘Fancy That’, In the Media and ‘Basking in the Afterglow’.

Though the book is meant to be an entertaining and educational celebration of all things orgasmic, it could also be viewed as a ‘Believe It Or Not’ or a ‘Well I Never’ guide to orgasms. Would you, for example, be willing to believe that women who have ‘vaginal orgasms’ walk differently to those that have ‘clitoral orgasms’? Well check item #92 of the book. Have you ever heard of the connection between Poughkeepsie (in New York State) and orgasms? That is #74. Any idea how many people around the world are orgasming, right now, while you are reading this? That is covered in #10.

Have you ever celebrated an orgasm related holiday? There are at least three of them. While orgasm faking, by both genders, is talked about, multiple times, including in the context of the TV shows ‘Seinfeld’ and ‘Sex in the City’, what do you know about the deception involved in female copulatory vocalization (FCV). That is #8.

Yes, the book does include lots of numbers, durations, lengths and volumes such as: 8 feet (you read that right), 20 seconds, 14 gallons (U.S.), 222, 35%, half a coffee cup full, ‘about 4 minutes’, less than 1”, 100 per hour and 89 years old. You are also likely to be introduced to quite a few new terms and concepts such as: ‘status orgasmus’, refractory period, birthgasms, Orgasm Rating Scale (OSR), intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT), téleclitoridiennes, elephant posture, Skene’s glands, edging and genetically modified orgasm (GMO).

It is not really a ‘How To’ book. Nonetheless you will find plenty of information that will certainly help. You will read about: the best positions for achieving orgasms, orgasmic diets, natural remedies, medical solutions and the best day of the month – not to mention the best ‘toys’, e.g., the ‘Crave Duet’ for females and the ‘Humpus’ for males. You will even learn whether you should be wearing socks and what heel height might best serve the ladies. This is a book that covers a lot of ground.

There is even culture and quite a bit on movies (e.g., first non-pornographic movie to show a female having an orgasm). So, in addition to the 1960s hit “Je t’aime… moi non plus” you will also read about ‘Liebestod’ in Richard Wagner’s ‘Tristan und Isolde’, Władysław Podkowiński’s ‘Frenzy of Exultations’, the incomparable Bernini’s ‘L’Estasi di Santa Teresa’ and some of the bawdy orgasmic scenes in John Cleland’s ‘Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure’.

Oh! You might even be very surprised to learn that the term ‘come’ did not come to be the way you probably thought it did. So, yes, this book does cover a lot of ground when it comes to orgasms. Use the free ‘Look Inside’ to have a peak. As with most of the author’s other eBooks the eBook version of this is also priced at 99 cents to make it affordable. Even at just 101 facts, even though there is much more, that comes in at less than 1 cent per orgasmic fact! So check it out. You can always return it and get your money back in full.

This is my 4th ‘101 Facts & Trivia’ book. The last two, as you may recall, were about Popes. To me this is quite a natural progression. I have never hid the fact that I have an inordinate interest in the human orgasm. I consider it the spark of life. Very few people, even today, are born from sperm extracted via sperm harvesting. So nearly all of us are here because SOMEBODY, somewhere had an orgasm — and I think it is a shame that an orgasm from each partner is not a prerequisite for conception, and one of the items covered in this book is an ancient belief that a female will give birth to a boy IF she has an orgasm prior to the sperm being released! As I had advocated in this blog I am a great believer that all adults must strive for ‘an orgasm a day‘ average over their adult lives.  

This is the 23rd book as the sole author (i.e., with only my name on the cover). 

A print version of this book is planned.

I have already started on my next book.

Check this one out. You will find it interesting and educational. The few that have read it so far have all commented that they enjoyed reading it and learnt much.


"orgasms: 101 Facts & Trivia" book by Anura Guruge


Tags: 101, , Believe It Or Not, birthgasms, clitoral, facts, fancy that, female, male, orgasms, refractory period, Sex in the City, status orgasmus, trivia, vaginal, Well I never

About Anura Guruge

See 'The Blogger' on my blog.

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