A Life of Granite in New Hampshire

The Priceless Indians (That I Love) — Though This Is Quite Sad, But Is What It Is Really Like In 2-Tier, Very Rich-Very Poor India.




by Anura Guruge

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1/ Priceless Indians: 11 month paraglider —

>>May 24, 2014.
++++ Search on ‘Indians‘ & ‘India‘ and check Category ‘Humor‘ for other related posts —>>>>

Yet again from my all time favorite, favorite newspaper, in the whole world, that I now try to read, in bed, with my coffee, in the morning, while also watching CNN and CNBC. Second ‘priceless Indians’ story in 2 days. Click to access.

NO question. This is SAD. But you see much worse in India.

When I related the BEST EVER Monica Lewinsky joke I told you that there was a time when I used to be a clearing house for distributing Bill Clinton jokes.

I hope you all remember the priceless Mastercard Priceless commercials. Well, I like so many other (and here is one quick example), also collected take-offs on the Priceless theme. I was lucky. I had folks send me great examples from around the world — and I would, per the charter, redistribute them. That was quite a campaign too. Also did a campaign on takeoff Altoid ads once it was discovered that sucking Altoids can enhance the whole oral sex experience! You knew that … right? I even engineered an elaborate prank based on this premise at a Trade Show where the unsuspecting butt of this insider joke were a bunch of folks I knew who were working the booth for a very famous networking company. It took at least 40 minutes before they cottoned on that something was up. It was all good ‘clean’ fun.

Anyway this, I am sure, was my FAVORITE ‘priceless’ ad (in its original undoctored form). It says, on the picture that it first appeared on ‘watchersweb.com‘. [Do NOT visit that Website UNLESS you want to be shocked. Not for the faint of heart.]

I doctored this for the blog. Otherwise Deanna would have yelled at me. But you can get the drift. Yes, of course, I have the original. e-mail me and I will gladly share it. It is a CLASSIC. Click to ENLARGE (though this is not as dramatic as the original). ENJOY. Priceless.

