I Publish My Second Book On Comet ISON, Hopefully The Comet Of The Century, This Time A ‘Quick Reference’ For Busy Folks.
by Anura Guruge
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As I was writing the the first book on ISON I realized that it was too detailed for today’s always in a hurry, habitually time-challenged folks. I was, however, not going to carve up the first book because somebody will find all that detail useful. But, I knew I had to do a Reader’s Digest ‘condensed book’ version of it. So, that is what this 2nd Comet ISON book is about: a cut-to-the-chase, mainly in bullet-point form, Quick Reference for busy people.
It was also designed to be as conducive as possible for mobile device small screen perusal. As such it is like an APP for Comet ISON. Keep it tucked away inside a smart phone (e.g., iPhone or Android) or a pad and whip it out anytime one wants information about ISON, such as dates, times, speeds etc.
My very artistic sister-in-law, Leanne Davis Caires did the original artwork for the cover. As far as I know this is the FIRST ISON specific artwork — and it is for sale. Check out Leanne’s Etsy craft store.
Remember Kindle reader apps are available for ALL devices, including PCs.
See below.
New, Quick Reference book. Click to access Amazon description and Look Inside.
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