Using WordPress To Help Us With Homeschooling In NH
Per yesterday’s post, we are now committed to homeschooling our 5th grade daughter as of Monday, February 27, 2012 (notwithstanding February vacation). We received some of the NH paperwork and I have about 35 books on order.
From the onset I realized that it is incumbent upon us to maintain a meticulous log of what we are doing in terms of homeschooling: what she is reading, what she was taught, what worksheets she completed etc. etc.
I was thinking about how best to keep this log. Then it struck me, a private WordPress blog.
To me, the beauty of keeping the log on a private WordPress blog is that I do not have to worry about backing it up (keeping copies) — or being able to access it from anywhere in NH (let alone the world).
[It can only be accessed by me, my wife and daughter using an userid/password. So it is perfect.]
Plus, banging things into a blog is the most natural thing to me. Yes, blogging, in my old age, is one of my few vices. I spend at least 30 minutes a day blogging (and I just counted … I own over 37 blogs … many as yet unpopulated … on subjects ranging from standup paddle boards to papal pets (not to mention clerical hats) … with a combined average hit count of ~1,000 hits/day). So, if I can maintain the homeschooling records on WordPress, I know that it will get done!
I also, so as not to use this NH blog, set up a ‘Home School NH‘ blog.
[The 11 year who will be homeschooled has her own Web site plus separate blog, as does her 5-year old sister.]
That sounds like an awesome idea. Mind if I steal it?
Please do.
I have some fancy ideas about using fixed pages for the book for each subject etc. I will also maintain all the links we will be using for online training.
Cheers, Anura
Welcome to homeschooling Anura ~ one other nice thing about blogging for homeschooling is it is great for portfolio time if you choose to go that route ~ We have been homeschooling 6+ years. I plan on doing the same thing actually 🙂 also my two boys ages 15 and 13 each have their own daily assignment blogs it can be really useful with the assignments and online resources ( a closed blog of course) 🙂
Thanks. We have now used the closed blog for 49 days. I put in all the assignments, with the estimated, allocated times, the night before. Then I print it so she has a hardcopy. It has worked well. Having it all there, in searchable form, is wonderful. Plus I don’t have to ever worry about losing the data. Yes, my 11 year old has her own Web site, her and a blog to go with it. Actually both my youngest kids have Web sites and WordPress blogs that match, exactly, their first name! Then I have a Web site corresponding to our surname. Thanks. Stay in touch. Did you meet my wife at yesterday’s homeschooling conference in Manchester?