A Life of Granite in New Hampshire

U.S. State Department Cites D-Day As An Example Of Close Relations Between The U.S. & Germany!


by Anura Guruge

I kid you NOT. This is TRUE.

Not an April Fool’s prank. This was 2-days ago!

Click image for CNN’s original coverage INCLUDING a video of her actually SAYING IT!

Click to ENLARGE. You have to read.

This could ONLY happen in Donald Trump’s America!

Sacré bloody bleu. This is the U.S. State Department. U.S. State Department. What are they smoking?


I used to know folks that worked for that esteemed and August Government agency. They will be so embarrassed and sad. You can’t feel angry. Just sad.

I feel bad for the Americans.

Related posts:
Search ‘D-Day’ & ‘Trump’ for many other posts.

by Anura Guruge

