A Life of Granite in New Hampshire

Google Doodle For Ceylon/Sri Lanka ‘Independence Day’ 2017 — February 4.


by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here.

Use link on image to access Google original.

I got Sri Lanka its first ‘‘ Google Doodle in . That was, understandably, a BIG deal.

Then there was nothing, much to the chagrin of Sri Lankans, worldwide, in 2014.

There was an insipid and Google called it ‘National Day’ — as it has done again.

C’est la vie.

The 2013 Google Doodle at MY request — and I have, published, proof.

Last Google Doodles:
**** Check Category ‘Google Doodle’ (sidebar) for other Doodles >>>>

by Anura Guruge

