.by Anura Guruge
Related posts:
>> Annual JTG Music Memorial Extravaganza … — Jan. 23, 2013.
>> Giuseppe’s A Delightful Dining Experience … — Oct. 11, 2012.
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Julie at the piano setting the tempo for the belly dancers. This was very well done. Great act all around. Kudos.
Teischan lucked out. Julie asked her to pull the winning ticket for the raffled guitar. Michael Bourgeois, Julie’s husband, dapper as ever, is making the announcement.
We had a table reservation at 5. We stayed till 7:30, though we relinquished the table around 6:15 because people were lined up to come in.
It was good. The best, we think, ever — and we have been to quite a few of these. It was packed. Everybody was having fun. Bonhomie pervaded. You could cut it with a knife. That is what makes Giuseppe’s so special. It is always a fun place, the food is outstanding and the ambiance cannot be beaten. It is an veritable oasis of conviviality in NH.
I had asked Julie (Gnerre Bourgeois) whether they can have the Prime Rib entree special on the menu. It was. It was good. So I could stick to my diet though I did have 3 spinach rolls — the first pastry of any sort that I have touched in 2 months. [The story of how I met Julie in 1997 is at the bottom of this post.]
All in all a real great evening. Nicely rounded out Teischan’s birthday weekend. That Julie asked her to pick the winning raffle number was nice. can’t wait for next year.
More than likely Devanee will want to go there for her birthday, again, come October.
Only regret was we couldn’t, because Teischan had school on Monday, stay late to see Paul Warnick, Michael Bourgeois, Rick Page & Eric Gagne perform. Our loss. But, Paul was there and we got to say ‘Hi’ to him as we did with Michael.
I guess I look happy and sated, though I kept my carbs to a bare minimum and only had one (small) glass of their excellent Chianti.
As ever there was a nude at the bar, but I resisted the temptation to go and sit next to her. Steve Hodecker was around but I didn’t get a chance to talk to him.