A Life of Granite in New Hampshire

I Ordered An ‘Atoll’ 11′, Army Green Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board (iSUP) (Opting Against iROCKER).


by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.

This is what I got.

The picture that SOLD I.

Once I came to the final conclusion that a 11′ rigid board was not going to be practical to lug around, it had to decide between the and iRocker.

Yes, I looked at others, but I soon came to the conclusion, after a TON of research, that these two, in my price range, were the only two contenders. Then, it was a question of deciding between the two and I had to do a LOT of reading between the lines when it came to ‘impartial’ reviews. From everything I can see the Atoll is a more studier board, on all counts, and when inflated to 15psi it is said to be real rigid. The above picture that I saw a number of time, including in a video, was the clincher. I want an inflatable that feels as rigid as can be and Atoll seems to be that.

It is also superlight. 19 pounds when inflated. My old board weighed over 50 pounds. So, this meets my needs real well.

Also like the fact that it comes with a Universal Fin Box which does not lock you into one proprietary band.

I was not taken in my iRocker’s two-barrel pump. I was going to get an electric pump anyway (and I did) and Atoll’s 2-way high-pressure hand pump got good reviews.

I was also more impressed with the (supposedly) very light paddle that came with the board.

Overall, the Atoll, per my diligent evaluation, was a better buy, more board (and better kit) for your buck.

So, I ordered one today, from Amazon.

I was told I had to get a geen. Now green is my favorite color so I can’t complain. But, the Atoll sand colored board looks real spiffy too.

I should have the board my this weekend.

Yes, over the coming weeks you will hear all about it. Promise.

Wish me luck.

Check out Atoll’s friendly and information-packed Website. Just click.

Related posts:
Search ‘paddle board’.

by Anura Guruge

