Archive | July 14, 2016

FREE HBO & Cinemax Preview This Weekend On DISH — Starting Now (7/15) till July 18, 2016.

by Anura Guruge


Click to ENLARGE.

From what I can see the Preview is on right now — Thursday, July 14, 2016, 8pm Eastern. I subscribe to HBO. So I have that all the time. But when I looked at the Online Electronic Guide around 8pm all the Cinemax channels were there.

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by Anura Guruge


4 Fuji X-E2s B & W Images Of The Day — July 14, 2016.

by Anura Guruge

See this post for resolution details.

NO post-processing whatsoever.

First time I shot b&w on this camera.
Just used the most basic setting.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Fuji X-E2s image Anura Guruge
Fuji X-E2s image Anura Guruge

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by Anura Guruge

6 Fuji X-E2s Images Of The Day — July 14, 2016.

by Anura Guruge

See this post for resolution details.

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

Fuji X-E2s image Anura Guruge
Fuji X-E2s image Anura Guruge

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by Anura Guruge

Flowers Of Acadia National Park — July, 2016 (Part II).

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

All taken with the Fuji X-T1 I rented.

These were taken at the
Wild Gardens of Acadia

located at “Sieur de Monts“,
the very heart of the Park
— and its original name.

See this post for “Flowers — Part I

Attribution WILL be enforced.

All part of my ongoing 3-year effort to SHARE as much of the incredible “Acadia National Park” and the taking pictures with Fuji X-Series camera experiences with you.


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by Anura Guruge

“National Cheesecake Day” As Ever Will Come Ahead Of “National Orgasm Day” 2016.

by Anura Guruge

Base Calendar for U.S. “National Days” from
National Day Calendar“.

Augmentations are MINE.


Click to ENLARGE. Augmentations are MINE.

Yes, yes, yes. “” comes before that. And now we even have “Chicken Wing Day” as well. So you really can bulk up with ENERGY ahead of “National Orgasm Day“.

In 2016, given that it falls on a Sunday, you have “National Dance Day” ahead of it.

So lots of opportunity to get well and truly in the mood for “National Orgasm Day“.


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by Anura Guruge

“About Travel” Confirms “Cedar Waters”, Nottingham, As New Hampshire’s Only Recognized Nude Beach.

by Anura Guruge

Click here to access the July 5, 2016 “About Travel
post on “Nude in New England“.

Click to ENLARGE and ogle snippet here.


This is consistent with my research.

This is not to say that you will not find any other nude beaches in New Hampshire if you look hard enough or are particularly lucky. Lots of lakes, lots of waterfront and many of the lakes have very secluded areas. And this does not even touch upon all the skinny dipping that takes place on most of the NH lakes ‘in the dark’ (and sometimes when it isn’t that dark.

Also remember that in NH, as in most States, there is a BIG difference between nude and topless — irrespective of gender. NH continues to be a TOPLESS STATE — i.e., State Law does not preclude women going topless. That is the Law. Attempts to change that in early 2016 following the misguided “Free the Nipple (New Hampshire)” protests failed. Yes, there have been arrests at the local level (in Laconia and Gilford) but the Judges, thankfully, have correctly interpreted the law — so far.

Google Map of the Nottingham “Cedar Waters” location. Rather central. Right off NH Route 125. You can’t miss it EVEN IF there is nobody standing outside. Click to ENLARGE.

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++++ Search on ‘nipple‘, ‘toplessness‘ & ‘Laconia’ for many other related posts.

by Anura Guruge

“Mount Desert Oceanarium”, ‘Acadia’, Maine — The Place To Learn About Lobsters.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

All taken with my Fuji X-E2s.

Attribution WILL be enforced.


Click image to access the “Oceanarium’ Website.

We stopped at the “Mount Desert Oceanarium“, just outside Bar Harbor, on Saturday, July 9, 2016, on our way back from our 3-day jaunt to “Acadia National Park” for the Park’s Centennial. I had always wanted to check it out and the kids, of late, are BIG into things Aquarium-related. It was a damp and cloudy afternoon and visiting the Oceanarium seemed like a good option. We are so glad we did.

Though it has a “Touch Tank” with starfish, horseshoe etc. and some exhibits of fish this delightful place really should be called a “Lobsterarium” as opposed to an “Oceanarium”. 96% of it, in my estimation, is all lobster-related. Nothing wrong with that, especially in Maine. It is a treasure trove of exhibits and information about lobsters and the working, extremely busy “Lobster Hatchery” is a sight to behold. I, though Deanna is the daughter of a lobsterman, had no idea as to the early life of lobsters. Wow. 10,000 or more eggs laid at a time by a mother lobster but in the ocean less than 1% of these result in an adult lobster. The survival rate is much higher in the Hatchery — the only one in New England.

A visit to the “Oceanarium” includes two 30-minute presentations, one at the Hatchery and the other at the “Lobster Museum” as well as 30-minutes exploration at the Touch Tank. The presentations were very informative. I, as usual, lucked out. I got to have a long and meaningful chat with founder and owner David Mills (seen in the pictures above). This led to him spending nearly half an hour with Deanna and the kids showing them how to ‘knit’ lobster bait pots etc. That was a bonus.

All together a very good experience. Well worth the entrance fee, i.e., $15 for adults, $10 for kids. If you are in the area definitely stop by but make sure you have allocated at least 2.5 hours for the visit. Enjoy.

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by Anura Guruge

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