Tag Archive | Anura Guruge

My Garmin Fenix 6 Is At Software Version 4.10, My MARQ Expedition At 5.10 — They Both Have The ‘Respiration’ Widget.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From ‘Garmin Forums’.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From ‘Garmin Forums’.

I had heard about software 4.10 for the Fenix 6 yesterday. I was, at that point, still at 3.80. Late last night, i.e., Friday, September 27, 2019, I connected the Fenix 6 to Garmin Express. Got the update pretty quickly. Took a few minutes to install, but there were no problems. Pretty smooth.

I hadn’t hooked up my MARQ Expedition to Express in a few days. Did so this morning, i.e., Saturday, . If nothing else I wanted to keep it charged. 5.10 got downloaded that point.

As you can see from the above descriptions, which I got from ‘Garmin Forums’, they essentially track each other. That is good — albeit with the newer Fenix 6 leading the way and the MARQ getting the features added on. But, not an issue. Garmin is doing the MARQ updates quickly. Hope it carries on like that.

The only new enhancement that really interested me was the ‘all day respiration’ widget. I installed it on both watches. Neat. I even read how it works — by minutely analysing changes in heart rate at the millisecond level. It is good to have a widget that tells you that you are still breathing! At my age that can be an issue. I like the readings I am seeing. They look OK to I, but I have no idea if they are accurate.

Related Posts:
Search ‘Garmin’.

by Anura Guruge


New Hampshire 2019 Fall Foliage — September 28.

by Anura Guruge

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

If you steal any of these, I will FIND YOU.
If you want to use/share them JUST ask.

stolen from Anura Guruge
stolen from Anura Guruge
stolen from Anura Guruge

Another gorgeous day in Central New Hampshire and the colors just adds to the glory. What a joy it is to be able to walk through this beauty. I stopped myself from taking too many pictures. There is only so many I can share with you. Plus, I did basically the same walk as yesterday, plus I will be doing it again next week. So, I wanted to keep some scenes for future shots. Tomorrow is my day off from walking/running but I will try to take some pictures — maybe even with my Canon EOS RP running Firmware 1.3. Enjoy.

Related posts:
Search foliage’.

by Anura Guruge

A Hula Hoop Trick That Only A Few Can Manage.

by Anura Guruge

Click to ENLARGE.


Watch the YouTube video.

She worked it out today and was very pleased with herself.

You must have worked it out.

You need to have enough hair or wear a wig so that you can have a big bun on top of your head.

Thought it might amuse you. Amused I.


Hula Hoop collection and my custom holder for them.

Related Posts:
Search “hoops”.

by Anura Guruge


Donald Trump’s Threat To Delist Chinese Stock Is Another EMPTY Threat — Just Meaningless Braggadocio.

by Anura Guruge

Click the PIG to access the original ‘Reuters’ coverage.

Click to access my post from just 2-weeks ago.

As with all the threats about tariffs, this Summer, that so roiled the stock market, this is Donald Trump being who he is; pandering to his base and trying to distract folks from the looming impeachment.

It is true that 90% of Trump’s base will have no bloody idea what this is all about. Delisting stock? Nearly all of them have never owned stock.

But, the stock market reacted — yet again — on Friday. Makes me laugh.

Yes, I own Chinese stock — Alibaba and But, I am not worried at all, at all. Actually I would like Trump to try and delist those two stocks — the most popular of the Chinese stock. I can actually make money on that. SMILE. When you know what you are doing you can make money on stock in either direction — as long as you have a conviction as to which way it is going.

This is a BLUFF.

This is Trump crying ‘wolf’.

This will never happen.

Pigs will fly before this will ever come to pass.

If I am wrong I will eat a pig. Promise.

Related posts:
Search ‘Trump.

by Anura Guruge

by Anura Guruge

NO post-processing whatsoever.

Taken with my Google Pixel 2 Phone.

Click pictures to ENLARGE.

Attribution WILL be enforced.

beach wedding Halfmoon Lake Anura Guruge Google Pixel 2

The also rans:

Related posts:
Category ‘Six Images’.

by Anura Guruge


New Chinese, Hugely-Discounted ‘Fitbit’ Site — X-99.Club: Tread With Utmost Care.

by Anura Guruge

Just remember:

“If it is too good to be true, then it might not be true.”

Be careful. Very careful.

Check U.S. prices.

35% discount on a newly announced product. Too good to be true.

Remember, Fitbit is NOT a . So, there is no mechanism whereby it can be this much cheaper in Japan.

IF you are IN THE U.S., and want a Garmin at the BEST possible U.S. price contact me. I could send YOU to the right people with a MAGIC password! SMILE.

Yes, I already have a Fitbit Versa 2. My wife is wearing it, right now.

Related Posts:
Search ‘Garmin’ & ‘Fitbit’.

by Anura Guruge

Pope Francis Expresses Concern About The Strides Being Made In Artificial Intelligence!

by Anura Guruge

Click to access the ‘NBC News’ original.

I had to smile. You have to smile.

You do not have to go all the way back to the Galileo trial. Gregory XVI (1831 — 1846) banned railways from the Papal States calling them calling them chemins d’enfer (road to hell), a play on the French for railroad, chemin de fer (iron road).

Yes, popes have a storied history of being very perturbed by all things new and modern.

So, this should not come as a surprise.

But, it still made me smile.

Related posts:
Search ‘pope or ‘consistory’.
Check Category ‘religion’.

by Anura Guruge

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