Drowning Death At ‘Acadia National Park’, April 11, 2019.
From ‘Mount Desert Islander’, Maine.
An area that we are extremely familiar with. ‘Schooner Head overlook‘ is probably our favorite spot in Acadia. Invariably our first stop. So, we can identify.
It would appear that it was accidental, but they are not sure. He seems to have gone to the overlook ahead of Monday’s snowstorm. I can understand. We have watched storms in Acadia.
Shame. And the 2019 Season hasn’t even started.
I at Schooner Head overlook in 2014.
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The Tourist That Fell Over The Edge At The ‘Grand Canyon’, And Died, Could Very Well Have Been I!
Yes, I know. I get told off a LOT. Acadia, Canyon de Chelly, Yosemite, Grand Canyon … I always test the limits. I try to wear good shoes with GRIP. But, I have slipped more than once at Acadia!
My heart goes out to these folks. Yes, we do try to be careful.
Life is but an adventure ….
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‘Olive Kitteridge’ By Elizabeth Strout — Magical Enough To Win A ‘Pulitzer’.
It is not a novel. Essentially thirteen short-stories with ‘‘ playing some role, major in some, fleeting in others, in each story. Beautifully crafted. The story and characters engage you. Draw you in. You want to know what happens to them.
All the stories are set in a fictional coast town in Downeast Maine. My wife of 16-years is from coastal Maine (albeit slightly further North). Over the last year six years I have been spending a fair amount of time in Maine — mainly in Acadia. So, the landscape and the nuances of the characters were familiar.
I found it interesting and absorbing — though typically I am not a huge fan of short-stories. The portrayal of the Mainers amused I. An overriding theme is their lecherousness and promiscuity — irrespective of age. Hmmm. I won’t comment on that.
Yes, as with the ‘Secret Lives of Bees‘ this book is hugely well known and has a huge following. I am, as ever, late to the party.
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Grand Canyon National Park Celebrates Its 100th-Year BIRTHDAY Today — Happy Birthday.
Attribution WILL be enforced.
It shares a birthday with my other favorite National Park — Acadia.
That is how I know.
Strange. I haven’t seen anything in the media acknowledging this significant birthday.
I adore the Grand Canyon. I have visited it at least 8 times and know that I haven’t even scratched the surface. It takes my breath away each and every time without fail.
A natural wonder of the world.
Happy Birthday, the Grand Canyon National Park.
We need to be precise on this. The Canyon itself is much older. SMILE!
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Search ‘Grand Canyon’.
One Expensive, And As Such Possible Rare, Buddha Statue For Sale — And That Puzzles Me.
I know these folks and they are very nice people. We visit their magical gallery & garden, in Northeast Harbor, Maine — i.e., ‘Acadia‘ — at least once a year. We have even chatted about Buddha statues.
I am in no way trying to cast aspersions but when I saw this it got me slightly puzzled and concerned.
Shouldn’t this be in a museum? In the scheme of things it is not that old, but, it is old enough and no doubt also rare.
I would hate to see it end up in someone’s house as a decoration or worse still as a garden decoration. Heaven forbid it ending up in some corner of a Chinese restaurant.
My point is very simple. This appears to be a statue that warrants some high level attention and care.
I am going to see if I can get a Buddhist temple to show some interest in it. That is all.
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Acadia National Park, Maine Impacted By Lack Of Snow Removal Due To Federal Government Shutdown.
Click to ENLARGE.
Acadia Ocean Drive in March 2018
when we visited in Winter during a storm.
The problem is the SNOW. They have kept the roads open BUT are not plowing.
I heard, this morning, that Ocean Drive is basically closed due to snow.
Not sure you are planning on visiting right now but I wanted to give you a heads up.
We went in early March 2018. I had fun. I walked the entire Ocean Drive twice — once in a gail.
Hopefully the SHUTDOWN will be over by March 2019!
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Friday, November 23, 2018, Is ‘Acadian Day’ In Louisiana — Commemorating The Arrival Of The ‘Acadians’.
Yes, my beloved ‘Acadia National Park‘ is related to the Acadians but semi-indirectly. The actual ‘Acadia‘, as can be seen from the above map, was further north, in Canada. But, the notion of calling that whole NE area ‘Acadia’ persisted.
Canada has a ‘National Acadian Day’. The Day After Thanksgiving holiday is restricted to Louisiana.
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Search ‘Acadia’.