Pope Francis Expresses Concern About The Strides Being Made In Artificial Intelligence!
I had to smile. You have to smile.
You do not have to go all the way back to the Galileo trial. Gregory XVI (1831 — 1846) banned railways from the Papal States calling them calling them chemins d’enfer (road to hell), a play on the French for railroad, chemin de fer (iron road).
Yes, popes have a storied history of being very perturbed by all things new and modern.
So, this should not come as a surprise.
But, it still made me smile.
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12-days to deliver a Certified letter between New Hampshire and Pennsylvania — a total distance of about 370-miles.
The problem here was that I sent it Certified.
IF I had sent it ‘normal’ it would have got there in 3-days.
The guy at the Post Office promised 3-day. He never said 12-days.
I used to use Certified quite a bit. Haven’t in a longtime. Something has changed, and not for the better.
Good job this was not a super-urgent letter. But, I am NOT amused.
So, you have been warned.
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Did Pope Francis Just Give YOU The License To Sin At Will — Just Confess Afterwards!

Click image to access original at the U.K. “Catholic Herald”.
I am NOT a Catholic, plus I have absolved myself from ‘sin‘ for the last 16-years. So, this does NOT apply to I.
I was, as ever, thinking of YOU.
You might want to check this out. From what I can garner the pope says ‘go ahead and sin; it is going to be “A-OK” as long as you confess and ask forgiveness‘. WOW. What a deal. How can you go wrong?
If I was still sinning I would consider becoming Catholic just for this. Sin and be absolved. How can you go wrong?
What a religion? What a pope? What a God?
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Why Pope Francis Is Not Afraid Of (Another) Schism In The Catholic Church — The 3 Reasons.
There are three reasons as to why Pope Francis does NOT worry about a potential schism.
They are, in order of importance:
- He knows, from experience, that his critics, including all those in the U.S., are all talk, hot-air and no-trousers. Push come to shove their knees still buckle at the thought of defying the Pope and the Vatican. They are, by definition, good, conservative, devout Catholics. That also means that in the end they are too SCARED to stand up against THE CHURCH. They fret that they will go straight to hell. The Pope knows this and exploits it constantly. He knows that his critics, for all their bluster, are still puppets in his grasp. The American Catholics, in particular, can bring this Pope to his knees with one act and one act alone. Stop putting money IN THE COLLECTION on just ONE Sunday. There will be hell to pay. The Vatican will ground to a halt in abject shock. The Pope will be on his knees — begging for forgiveness. “Please, please, pretty please, don’t cut off the lucre. How can we live it up at the Vatican without your money?”
….. - Not many people know it, but, in theory, there is already schism and has been one since 1958. I kid you not. Very real.
…..Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedevacantism
It is called ‘Sedevacantism‘. Per this schism none of the Popes since Pius XII is legitimate.
…. - Pope Francis does not have the brainpower to WORRY about a schism! He is too simple of a man. To worry you have to have some marbles. If you don’t have many marbles you don’t worry. Think about it. Pope Francis, by far, is the least educated and cerebral pope in probably over 200-years! He is NOT an intellectual and he will even tell you that. So, he doesn’t worry about much other than what he will be having for his next meal and he prefers pizza.
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Pope Francis Should Avoid Temptation Of Assigning Suburbicarian See Of Porto–Santa Rufina To Parolin, Sandri Or Ouellet.
A Suburbicarian See, i.e., one of the 7 ancient sees surrounding Rome, becoming vacant is the Vatican equivalent of a vacancy in the U.S. Supreme Court. Not too many slots, in the case of Suburbicarian Sees just 6 in reality (because the Dean automatically gets two), and those who hold them seem to be blessed with unusual longevity.
So, suburbicarian see, Porto–Santa Rufina becoming vacant after 21-years is a BIG deal. It is also the FIRST to become vacant in 11-years.
This was why, Francis, last June was forced to create four IRREGULAR Cardinal Bishops — i.e., Cardinal Bishops who did NOT have title to a suburbicarian see. Prior to this, in order to be a Cardinal Bishop, you had to hold the title to a suburbicarian see. That was actual requirement and definition.
Cardinal Bishop = Suburbicarian See.
When he created his four IRREGULARS (so that there would be some under-80 cardinal bishops who could participate in a conclave) he was ADAMANT that the IRREGULARS were no different to the regulars — i.e., those that held title to a suburbicarian see.
That is the main reason why he should not give the newly vacant suburbicarian see to one of the IRREGULARS.
It would, at a stroke, destroy his contention that the IRREGULARS were REGULARS. If they were he wouldn’t feel obliged to give the see to an IRREGULAR. What for? Per Francis they are as good without, as with.
Plus, he would be breaking Church Law. It is possible that I am the ONLY one that knows of this 1914 Law passed by Pius X. But, trust me, it is the Law. I do know my Church Law.
Yes, popes live to break the Law and they can do so with impunity. Their actions cannot be questioned or challenged. But, it will be wrong.
That is where we stand. Now YOU know all the facts.
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Cardinal Roger Etchegaray (96) Dies; Oldest Cardinal For 1-Day — First Suburbicarian See Bishop To Die In 11-Years.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Etchegaray
He was the OLDEST living cardinal for all of one day!
Confirms my long held contention that God has one heck of a sense of humor.
Yes, the prior day Colombian Cardinal José Rodriguez died, aged 100. And then 24-hours later, French Roger Marie Élie Etchegaray, 96, died.
Etchegaray was kind of a legend. Well respected and liked. He had been a cardinal since 1979 (i.e., 40 years).
But, he never attended a conclave! He turned 80 in 2002 (after being a cardinal for 23-years) and aged-out to become a non-elector.
He was elected Vice-Dean of the College of Cardinals just ahead of the 2005 conclave but was too old to attend. He, still the Vice-Dean, also missed the 2013 conclave.
He was a bona fide Cardinal Bishop, i.e., held the title to an original Suburbicarian See. There are only 7 of these, and the Dean, automatically gets two. So, only 5 remain. They are scarce. The last time one was vacant was 2008, i.e., 11-years ago. Now Francis gets the chance to promote someone to this vacant Suburbicarian See making him a bona fide cardinal bishop.

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Pope Francis In Creating New Cardinals On October 5, 2019, Will AGAIN Disregard Conclave Requirements.
The issue here is, per Vatican Law, enacted in 1973, the MAXIMUM number of cardinal electors that can participate in a conclave is 120.
None of the 4 popes since that law was passed, viz., John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI & Francis, have changed that Law — though three of them (i.e., the latter 3) have at one time or another created too many electors such that there numbers exceeded 120.
If there were to be a conclave when the elector count is above 120 there could be problems.
There are no guidelines nor precedents for sorting it out. It would be ‘unruly’ and ‘unbecoming’.
As the top figure shows Francis, at each of his six consistories, has exceeded that 120 limit.
John Paul II nor Benedict XVI were never so egregious — i.e., violate the 120 limit at each of their cardinal-creating consistories.
But, no so Francis. He really thinks he is special. A maverick. That it makes him look cool to disregard the Laws!
Yes, I will concede that 4 current electors will AGE-OUT (i.e., reach 80 and thus become non-electors) within 10-days of this consistory. But, that still leaves 4 OVER the count. Barring deaths there will NOT be another aging-out until February 25, 2020, and the next after that is on April 17, 2020. Even after that, barring deaths, we will still be 2 over the 120. That is over 7 months.
This is not good.
Francis can fix this with a simple memo. Yep. He is all powerful when it comes to Church Laws. He can remove the 120 limit all together or increase it. But, he hasn’t.
Not good. Unbecoming.
Also, worth remembering. On Sunday, on his way to announce this consistory, Francis got stuck in an elevator for 25-minutes. Not a good omen.
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