New Chinese, Hugely-Discounted ‘Fitbit’ Site — X-99.Club: Tread With Utmost Care.
Just remember:
“If it is too good to be true, then it might not be true.”
Be careful. Very careful.
Check U.S. prices.
35% discount on a newly announced product. Too good to be true.
Remember, Fitbit is NOT a . So, there is no mechanism whereby it can be this much cheaper in Japan.
IF you are IN THE U.S., and want a Garmin at the BEST possible U.S. price contact me. I could send YOU to the right people with a MAGIC password! SMILE.
Yes, I already have a Fitbit Versa 2. My wife is wearing it, right now.
Related Posts:
Search ‘Garmin’ & ‘Fitbit’.
HUGE, Huge WIN For ‘Free The Nipple’ – Laconia, N.H. Now Sticks Out, Awkwardly.
Click image to access the U.K. “Daily Mail” original.

Click to access my post.
The de facto win for ‘Free the Nipple‘ in ‘Fort Collins‘, Colorado is HUGE and with enormous consequences.
‘Fort Collins’ was trying to enforce the SAME local ordinance, when it came to female toplessness, as Weirs Beach, Laconia.
Fort Collins admitted defeat. Laconia should do the SAME.
A Circuit Court decision has sided with ‘Free the Nipple‘.
Kia Sinclair should rejoice. She was right all along.
This is GREAT. This is WONDERFUL.
The Laconia ordinance is wrong. It is now borderline invalid.
Kia Sinclair no longer needs to take this to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Case has been decided, in Kia’s favor, in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Kansas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
SIX (6) states.
Laconia has no leg to stand on.
Kia Sinclair prevails.
Free the Nipple stands firm.
Related Posts:
Search ‘nipple’ & ‘topless’.
Another Helium Balloon Escapes To The Heavens To Later Cause Mylar Pollution.
by Anura Guruge
Click to ENLARGE.

Click to access my post from just 6-months ago.
Yes, I like helium balloons. I didn’t have them growing up in Ceylon, but as a father to four kids, as of 1989, I know that I have bought too many. I even used to get the helium canisters for the home. Then c. 2012 I heard about the helium shortage. I started to become responsible about wasting helium. Since 2012 I have really cut back on buying helium balloons. Yes, I know kids like them and they cheer up the sick. So, it is a compromise.
Yes, I have seen too many go ‘bye-bye’. I even watched a 12-year, rather spoilt boy, intentionally let go of a $99 motor-driven, helium filled shark. We tried to chase that down by car!
Yes, I know some set them loose intentionally — to be symbolic of freedom. This was at Concord Hospital, today. So, it could have been either, accidental or intentional. Either way it could end up two-weeks later in a field, woods or a lake. Animals will peck at it. Not good. Sad.
But, in the scheme of things we have bigger problems.
But, PLEASE try not to buy too many helium balloons.
Tell Realtors to cut it out.
Related Posts:
Search ‘helium‘.
Pope Francis Getting Trapped In An Elevator For 25 Minutes Ultimate Proof That He Has NO SPECIAL Standing With God.
One of the eight (or nine) OFFICIAL TITLES held by the pope is Vicarius Christi (Vicar of Christ). That means he is Christ’s REPRESENTATIVE on Earth.
This has always supposed to signify that the Pope’s had a SPECIAL, UNIQUE relationship with God. Essentially a hot line with God.
Well I have always suspected that.
Pope Francis can’t even stop the fires in the Amazon. That has to be trivial for God.
Now this. God lets this happen to him?
So, you can only come up with the following rationalizations:
- God has one heck of a sense of humor and likes making Pope Francis the butt of it more often than not.
… - God is like Trump and does not feel any obligation to take care of those that work for him directly.
…. - There is NO GOD!
…. - God is impotent — as in being powerless.
…. - Pope Francis is not Vicarius Christi.
- God has one heck of a sense of humor and likes making Pope Francis the butt of it more often than not.
What do YOU think? You decide. But, it was very telling. Pope stuck in an elevator for 25 minutes and late for his Sunday noontime Angelus.

Click for this post.
Related posts:
Search ‘Pope’.
How Come Aftershave Nor Shampoo Bottles Have Tamper-Resistant Seals?
It had never really registered with I. I would guess the same is true with YOU. Have you ever noticed (or cared) that most of our beauty product bottles have no tamper-proof seals. Go check if you don’t believe I.
It suddenly struck me yesterday. Done another major shop at Walmart as we are wont to do. I happened to buy a bottle of hot sauce and another bottle of (cheap) aftershave because I like to have a few different bottles at the ready. Later that day ….
Trying to open the hot sauce bottle was a struggle. Two SEALS. Kind of overkill, but I won’t complain.
Aftershave bottle. NOTHING. Nada. Just twist and open.
Then I got thinking. In the crazy world we live in today. I could, unbeknownst, be splashing ANYTHING on my face. YIKES. Not funny. Kind of scary.
Of course I understand that adding tamper-resistance will increase the cost and thus the price. But, but, but …
I thought after the Tylenol tampering case in 1982 there were LAWS. Obviously NOT.
We need to think about this. SERIOUSLY.
Yes, I worried about writing this post. Hhmmmm!
But, I can’t be the first that noticed. Maybe the FIRST that CARED and was willing to write about it.
This is not gun control. This should be easy. I am going to start asking folks about this. I might send this post to my two (dear and trusted) U.S. Senators.
Related posts:
Check Category ‘Rants‘.
‘Encore Boston’ Casino, ‘The Buffet’ Is Adults Only!
I kid you not. This is way too serious a topic to joke about.
I actually called them to make sure that it wasn’t a mistake on their Web. It wasn’t, but the lady I spoke to admitted that it was not the cleverest thing they had done.
Because they put ‘The Buffet’ in the middle of the casino area. You can’t get it to it without having to walk through the casino.
We have been (and stayed at) plenty of casinos — Las Vegas, Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods. We have always gone to buffets with the kids. That is part of the magic of going to or staying at a casino. Good food at the casino for a reasonable price.
Not so at the Encore Boston. I am totally disgusted.
Yes, they have other restaurants that permit kids, but kids prefer a buffet.
Shame on YOU, Encore. What were you thinking.
This is why I am so glad I never did drugs.
Yes, we were going to go for dinner yesterday after the ‘Downton Abbey — The Exhibition’. Lucky that I checked on the Web.
Related posts:
Search ‘buffet’.
WHY Is Pope Francis Praying For An End To The Amazon Fires — Is God Unaware?

Click to ENLARGE. From today’s ‘Vatican News’ @
I said it before, I will say it again (and again, and again …). Though I come from a family of ardent prayers, as I grew older I came to realize that I really did NOT understand how prayer was supposed to work — especially IF, like Pope Francis, you are praying to Almighty God, God the CREATOR.
So, here is my confusion.
- Doesn’t God know that the Amazon is on fire? Has he got to be told by Pope Francis?
/// - OK, so God won’t do anything until the likes of the Pope prays to him? [Seem like a pretty awful ego trip to I — on the part of the omnipotent God.]
/// - Now Pope Francis has prayed, why hasn’t God put out the fires at once? What is he waiting for. He is ALL POWERFUL. He has to have heard the Pope’s prayer. Unlike I, the Pope must have a direct line to God. He is God’s vicar on Earth.
As far as I can tell the Amazon is still burning and the pope prayer over 12 hours ago?
What gives?
Is it possible that the Pope’s prayers go unanswered?
If so, what chance have I got?
PLEASE help. Prayer confuses the bejesus out of I.

Click for this post.
Related posts:
Search ‘prayer’.