Good News For BUSY Rugby Fans, 17-Minute Highlights Of 2019 World Cup Matches, In HD, Available On YouTube (FREE).
Given that NBC holds the U.S. broadcast right for the 2019 World Cup I did not expect to see much on YouTube.
I was pleasantly surprised. NBC, for a change, is being NICE. Yes, they are but 17-minute HIGHLIGHTs but it is in HD and appears to capture what is needed. Yes, it does leave you feeling a bit lost and empty at times, but it is better than nothing.
To be honest, I am quite cool with this. I do NOT have time to watch a full 90-100 minute game — not with my writing and also watching cricket! So, this suits I.
Yesterday, I watched two matches, back-to-back: New Zealand v South Africa & Fiji v Australia. They were both beyond excellent. Must watch. Honest. Some of the running. Will leave you breathless.
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Search ‘rugby‘.
New Zealand Rugby Team ‘Haka’, At The 2019 Rugby World Cup, For The South Africans.

The New Zealand, ‘All Blacks‘, rugby teams, over the years, are who made the ‘Haka‘ famous.
They, big, brawny and formidable are the ideal troop to do this.
This, at the 2019 Rugby World Cup, ongoing right now, is good. Can’t say it is classic, but it is good. This was the first ‘Haka’ of this World Cup. The New Zealand team will do a ‘Haka’ at the start of each game.
It is, actually, a TRIBUTE to their opponents! Not a challenge. It is honoring them before the battle commences. A very nice gesture. This ‘Haka’ was for the South Africans (in green).
Look at the size of one of the players who stands up and walks to the front. I used to play rugby and would have hated to come up against that guy. He is HUGE.
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Search ‘haka‘ there a LOT of posts on ‘hakas’.
House Lit & Decorated For Halloween 2019 — With 6-Weeks To Go!
Click pictures to ENLARGE.

All Teischan’s work — today, 6-weeks ahead of Halloween, and she is complaining that she was LATE!
Christmas & then Halloween are her two favorite holidays — Easter a distant third and Thanksgiving not even making her radar.
Lights and decorations are her thing. She has been doing the lights on her own. All I have to do is keep her supplied with lights. I got some fancy flame lights for the front door. Upside down flame. Pretty cool.
Given that she put up the Christmas lights on November 19th last year, I assume we will just go from these lights straight to the Christmas ones. The infrastructure with the timers etc. is all in place.
What can I say?
Makes her happy. Keeps her happy.
P.S., I have been informed that she is TOO OLD to go trick or treating this year! Well, I will believe it on the day. This could be the END of OVER 20-years of taking kids trick-or-treating! Yes, over 20-years. 4-kids, widely spaced.

Click to see MORE pictures.
Related posts:
Search ‘Halloween’.
Chinese ‘Mid-Autumn Festival’, At UNH (Durham), By The ‘Confucius Institute’ — September 13, 2019.
Click pictures to ENLARGE.
Attribution WILL be enforced.

For even MORE pictures from this event
of Dr. James Dean, Dr. Michele Dillon & Dr. Yige Wang
also see.
Another GALA success for the UNH ‘Confucius Institute’ — after the widely acclaimed & heavily attended ‘paper umbrella making‘ workshop in January this year (ahead of the Chinese New Year). This too was packed; very festive, very musical (with UNH’s President, Dr. James Dean getting thing rolling), sustenance-loaded, celebratory and a lot of fun. Bravo, yet again, Dr. Yige Wang & Dr. Yaling Liu, and the ever hospitable ‘Confucius Institute’.
We were honored with the presence of the new UNH President, the very personable (and musically talented) Dr. James Dean, and the impressive Dr. Michele Dillon, Dean of UNH’s College of Liberal Arts. It happened to be Dr. Dillon’s birthday. So, there was a trumpet fanfare & ‘Happy Birthday‘ and birthday cake big enough to feed the whole crowd. That was a bonus.
I was lucky enough to have seen the Oyster River students perform, in Chinese, when I was there for the umbrella event. I was looking forward to seeing them again knowing that they had performed, to standing ovations, in China in the interim. They were brilliant. We also were treated to a performance of ‘Moon River’ by Professor Gunlogson & one of her students.
The buffet dinner, as ever, was outstanding. I don’t think anybody went hungry. We sure didn’t.
The Moon Cake making was fun — I am told. I personally did not partake. I was busy taking pictures. But, I could see and tell that folks were having a ball. And then the ultimate accolade. As we were leaving Teischan said “that was fun“! To say that, that coming from her, is indeed rare and high-praise would be an understatement. She is mega-fussy. I can’t remember the last time I have heard her say that. Wow. Please trust me on this. If Teischan thought that it was fun, it had to have been extremely special.
Thank you, ‘Confucius Institute’. You folks always do us all proud.
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Category ‘Six Images’.
TWO ‘Interstellar Comets’ In Less Than 2-Years — And We Have Never Seen ANY Before?

Click to access my 2017 post.
I will grant that this new comet, C/2019 Q4 (Borisov), does have more of an intriguing orbital path than did C/2017 U1.
But, I am not willing to RUSH to the conclusion that it is interstellar — i.e., it did NOT originate in our own Oort cloud. Still very early days. That it is travelling too fast to be bound to the Sun is interesting.
I was not convinced about A/2017 U1 (ʻOumuamua) being interstellar and now others are joining in. SMILE. I do know some about comets.
All I am saying, for now, is don’t rush to a conclusion. Let’s study this puppy a bit more.
Definitely not going to be GREAT comet. It will be very far from the Sun. Twice as far as the Earth is to the Sun. So, unlikely that it will be very bright or sport a spectacular tail.
Just wanted to keep YOU in the loop. But, stay tuned.
Has a ton of good information about comets.
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Check Categories ‘Events’ & ‘Astronomy’.
Friday the 13th, September 2019, Does NOT Count, Full Moon Or Not; It ONLY Counts In October.
Only Friday the 13th that fall in October count!
Period. Full stop.
Full moon has nothing to do with it.
The superstition has to do with the dissolution of the Knights Templar.
And that happened on Friday, October 13, 1307.
This is September, NOT October, so Friday the 13th does NOT COUNT.
Repeat, does NOT count.
On average we get a Friday the 13th every 212 days.
We had one in July 2018.
The LAST Friday the 13th in October was in 2017.
The next Friday the 13th in October will be in 2023.
The ’13’ really has nothing to do with the supposed thirteen attendees at the ‘Last Supper’ — particularly since there is no consensus, at all (at all), that the ‘Last Supper’ took place on a Friday — that traditionally been the date of the Crucifixion, hence ‘Good Friday‘ at Easter.
The superstition about Fridays the 13th being unlucky really has its roots in Friday, October 13, 1307, when, with the blessing of the Pope, Clement V, the French King, Philip IV, who was heavily in fiscal debt to the Templar’s (the original international bankers), had most of the Templars in France arrested.
It was a bad day for the Templars — and was really the first major financial crisis in world history.
Hence why people were afraid of Fridays the 13th. They didn’t want a repeat of what happened to the (far from) ‘poor’ Templars.
This fact tends to be forgotten.
Friday the 13th in October happens per a 5 to 6 year cycle with occasional 11-year gaps.
We just had one of those. So, the last 13th in October was 11-years ago, 2006. The next one is 6-years from now.
At 66 I have only lived through 9 ‘Friday the 13th in October‘.
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Search ‘Friday the 13th’.
I found it for YOU.
No thanks needed. It was pleasure.
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