Compassionate 7-Eleven Owner Who Fed Thief, Is Probably More Than An Indian, He Is Likely A Sikh.
This was a GREAT story. It made my day. So good to see that we still have decent, compassionate, charitable folks like he.
Mr. Jay Singh, please take a bow. You have done all of us Asians proud. Good on YOU.
This is from the story:
“He said, ‘I’m hungry. I’m stealing it for myself and my younger brother.’ I said you need food? I’ll give you food. That’s not a problem,” Singh said.
Mr. Singh, modestly, attributed this compassion and charity to ‘Indian culture’. That is true.
But, I have a hunch that it goes beyond that.
I cannot, alas, be 100% sure, but I suspect that Mr. Jay Singh is a sikh — despite the lack of a hat on his head, or a bracelet on his arm.
Jay Singh can very well be a Sikh name.
All ‘Singhs’ are NOT Sikhs, BUT ALL Sikh men are ‘Singhs’. Get that. Having a last name Singh is the norm for a Sikh man.
So, why am I making a big deal that he might be a Sikh.
Sikhs have a deeply ingrained tradition when it comes to charity and giving — especially food to the needy.
I know quite a few Sikhs. Most are AMAZING folk. Generous to a fault.
That bracelet they are supposed to wear bears testament to that. They wear it to remind them that that is the hand with which they do good.
Sikhs, because some wear turbans and have beards, are often mistaken for Muslims. They are not Muslims.
Get to know a Sikh.
This just happens to be a great time to talk about Sikhs. They have a major holiday, ‘Vaisakhi‘, that always coincides with the Sinhala New Year, coming up this Sunday, April 14.

Click to ENLARGE.
Related posts:
Search ‘Sikh’.
‘Navajo’ To Their Credit (But Also Cost) Moving From Coal To Solar Energy.
This is a painful and initially very-costly strategic decision by the Navajo. They have relied heavily on revenues from coal but it has also taken a toll on their health — and, alas, they are no longer the hearty and healthy folks they once were.
Navajo land is PRIME for solar farms. They have such huge tracts of SUN-BACKED open space, unused with no habitation for miles. So, this is good. I am glad and proud. I want the best for the Navajo. Such wonderful people (in general).
Not sure how they will cope with the transition. They really do need money. Poverty is widespread.
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Search ‘Navajo‘.
I Have Become Totally & Hopelessly Hooked On “Ketchup Sriracha” Style.
I happened to be passing the Walmart clearance shelves (in their food department) when my eyes caught this. I like Sriracha. I used to always order the Sriracha Burger at Friendly’s. Walmart had it marked down to $1.50 or maybe it was 92 cents. I just took it for the heck of it.
I tried a bit when I got home. It lit up my world. It is good. Really good.
Yes, of course, I like spicy food. Spicy food bothers me none. So, I am a natural for this.
I have been eating it on all sorts since.
Delighted to see that I can buy more, at a reasonable price, from Target.
You really should try it. It will spice up your world.
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Search ‘Walmart’.
“Gilford Well Company”, Gilford [N.H.]: Their Integrity Was Both Impressive & Humbling.
As I chronicled here, we lost water on morning and ‘Epping Well & Pump‘, to my sincere gratitude, got us up and running within a couple of hours — he problem having been a worn-out pressure switch. That was great. They, however, were quite adamant that I should replace my pressure tank, ASAP (then and there, if possible), for $1,250. I wanted a couple of days to think about it, especially as it had been an expensive and painful 6-weeks. First we needed a new boiler and then 4-days later I busted my knee and required expensive surgery.
I learnt a lot when we needed the boiler replaced. Chief among them was the benefit of talking to multiple folks and getting multiple perspectives, opinions and prices. And I am so glad that I did. We got the Biasi B10/5 boiler installed for nearly 1/2 the price of the first quite we got — and that was from the oil company I had used for 20-years and were supposedly my friends.
So, I decided to make a few calls. They were interesting and illuminating.
I called ‘Gilford Well‘ and, luckily, ended up speaking with Normal Harris III, though I did not know he was the President and co-owner at the time.
I asked him if he could please come over and give us some prices. He volunteered to come by the next morning. And he did.
Class act. I was impressed. Very forthright and helpful. I was blown away.
I had called upon the services of Gilford Well a long time ago — close to 20-years ago. This was when I lived in Gilford. I need a well drilled! It wasn’t a new house. It was a lakefront house that was getting water directly from the lake. There were issues with that and a well was the right way to proceed. Gilford Well got us up and running. But, being out in Alton I had not thought about calling them.
I am sure glad I did. Sure glad that I got to meet Norman. That was a pleasure and a honor.
Yes, I am sure I will be doing business with them — when I have a need. SMILE. Did you get that?
It is good to know that we still have companies such as ‘Gilford Well’ around.
Made my day. Thank YOU, Norman.
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Check Category ‘Endorsements’.
“Epping Well & Pump”, From Epping [N.H.], Did Us Real Proud This Morning. Thank You.
I was rudely woken up this morning, at 6:30am (at least 2-hours ahead of when I normally decide to open an eye), with the news that we had an EMERGENCY. NO WATER!
Yikes. NO WATER.
And it wasn’t because we had lost power. That would have been easy. But, we had power, but NO WATER.
I lumberingly got up, pulled on pants and made it to our utility room. Checked the breakers and and switches. Even ‘messed’ with the pressure switch. Nothing. NADA.
Last February I had called “Epping Well & Pump” just so that I had a rapport with them for just this emergency.
Shortly after 7am I called — — and spoke with Mark, the ever-friendly and well-informed Service Manager. He pulled us up on the computer and we were of to the races. He promised to dispatch a crew within the hour.
90-minutes later (maybe a tad less) the truck was in the drive. To my amazement they did NOT immediately suspect a burnt-out pump. Instead they wanted to replace the pressure switch. with my luck of late I did not even want to hope for the best. I left them to it and came upstairs to drink my coffee and listen to the news.
Then we started hearing water. Wow. It was the switch. We didn’t need a pump — at least not today. That could change tomorrow.
I was elated.
That is SERVICE. I was grateful. Very grateful.
There are NOT cheap. Smile. But, when you don’t have water you are willing to pay a King’s ransom. But, it could always have been worse.
So, kudos and THANK YOU to Epping Well & Pump.
They want me to replace my pressure tank but that is another story and another day.
Related posts:
Check Category ‘Endorsements’.
Donald Trump’s 2019 Nobel Peace Prize Just Fizzled Above Israel.
Despite his belief that he has the ‘lock-in’ thanks to the SUPPOSED nomination by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe I am fairly certain he totally scuppered his chances today with the Golan Heights edict.
I guess he thought it was worth it.
Maybe he will get the Nobel Prize for Literature for his Twitter stream. That would be a consolation prize.
Jacinda Ardern Of New Zealand Or Donald Trump Of MAGA For The 2019 Nobel Peace Prize: You Decide.
Trump, as you may recall, has hinted that with the help of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe he already has the lock on the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. As always, e.g., the Mueller report, he could be right.
But, Jacinda Ardern vs Trump. Talk about polar opposites.
But, as I just discovered there are quite a few nominations already — 301. One probably, already, is Trump.
I just read that they are even talking about my “ol’ buddy” Imran Khan for the Prize. That would be classic. Good ol’ Imran. Nothing that he can’t conquer. He is a good bloke.
So, what do YOU think? Trump or Ardern?