There are quite a few posts about Acadia National Park and surrounding area on this blog. I was asked to create this ‘index‘ to make it easier to locate these posts.
Click on entries below to access the post. Each is a link to a post on this blog.
2017 June
+ June 25 + June 26
+ June 27 + June 28
+ June 29 + Southwest Harbor Flowers
+ View from balcony + Bar Island
+ 2016 September: 24 images + September 3: 6 images
+ September 4: 6 images + September 5: 6 images
+ Sept. 4 death on Cadillac + “Common Good”, Southwest Harbor
+ Picture of the Day: Sept. 3 + Picture of the Day: Sept. 4
+ Picture of the Day: Sept. 5
+ 2016 Centennial + Centennial Events
+ Park Service & Centennial + 1887 map
+ 1921 brochure + Actual Centennial in 1919!
+ 1916 Newspaper article
+ Isle au Haut
+ June 2015: 6 images + “Wonder View Inn” rave.
+ Schoodic Peninsula + “Raven’s Nest” overlook in Schoodic
+ 2 pictures – Sep. 9, 2014 + “Acadia View” bed & breakfast
+ 3 pictures of Schoodic + “Ruth & Wimpey’s”
+ 3 views of Northeast Harbor + “Little Moose Island”
+ Schoodic Education and Research Center
+ Acadia: June 2014 + Cromwell Harbor Motel
+ 3 obscure facts about Acadia + Cooksey Overlook, “Acadia”
+ “Redfield”, Acadia + Asticou Azalea Garden
+ “Bay King II” nature cruise
+ Acadia was fab. 2013 + ‘Thirsty Whale’, Bar Harbor
+ Unofficial nude beaches
+ Rockefeller donates more land to ‘Acadia’.
+ ‘Seal Harbor’ Martha Stewart/Edsel Ford mansion.