6 Fuji X-E2s Images Of The Day — July 28, 2016.
See this post for resolution details.
NO post-processing whatsoever.
Click pictures to ENLARGE.
Attribution WILL be enforced.
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Fleeing Fujifilm, Full Bore, Into The Capacious Arms Of Nikon.
As I explained in detail yesterday, much to MY own “shock, HORROR“, I have decided, unequivocally, that I will NOT be getting a Fuji X-T2 — a camera that I considered to be my dream camera (made specifically for my needs). The real issue, as I explained, are the Fuji lenses. They are expensive and in the main not that good!
Nikon, on the other hand, with their own, as well as Tamron & Sigma, has a HUGE range of lenses and reasonable prices. Hence my decision, at long last, to finally join, wholeheartedly, the Nikon fold.
I have nothing against Nikon. I have owned Nikon 35mm cameras in the past and we have, as a household, managed to lose more than one Nikon Coolpix compact. Plus, ironically, when I in August 2014, after a 30+ year hiatus (during which I was genuinely too busy to indulge in yet another time consuming hobby), decided to get back, with gusto, into photography, I started with a refurbished Nikon L820 (from Buydig.com). I returned that L820 within 72 hours! I couldn’t update the firmware and there was something drastically amiss with the zoom.
But the current plan is to go full bore into the arms of Nikon.
Yes, I had flirted with the idea of getting a Nikon D500. But that might be overkill.
Right now, i.e., July 27 – 28, 2016, my plan is as shown below. Yes, that means going back to 1″ sensors when I do REALLY want to standardize on APS-C. That could change.
Photokina 2016 is less than 2 months away.
Luckily I also have a book, “Brain Meditation“, to publish. I typically do not make MAJOR camera purchases while I am in the throes of publishing a book.
I MIGHT go with a REFURBISHED Nikon DSLR body and a
There is, as ever, method to my madness.
Getting a Nikon P900 just for the 2,000mm reach. That will be a toy! My eyes are bad and the 2,000 will let me compensate for that.
But, one thing is for sure.
As of now I am Nikon all the way.
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Do You Say “Good Morning” To Your Brain On A Daily Basis?
If you do, as you really should, I am SO, SO proud of YOU. Way to go.
Yes, of course, first thing every morning, even before I open my eyes I have wished my brain, my soul mate in the truest sense, a ‘Good Morning’. I have done this without fail for nearly 42 years.
This good morning ritual is a key part of my “Brain Meditation” self-help program.
Yesterday, July 27, 2016, I took the first steps in having my book on this topic, “Brain Meditation” published. It is, however, not as yet available for sale. It still needs to be proofed. But this time around I am going to use actual printed copies of the book as proofs. See below.
Independent of the book I will coach you on this invaluable self-help program via blog posts … here.
So think of this as ‘Lesson 1’ — and a very important lesson at that.
Every morning, as soon as you wake up, as you are opening your eyes, say a cheery, heartfelt “Good Morning” to your brain — in your mind!
You do not say it out loud UNLESS you want to do so. It is OK to do it all in your mind. “Good morning” from you to your brain … in your mind.
Try it. You can even do a “Good Morning”, “Good Afternoon” or “Good Evening” right now.
And yes, you have to say “Good Night” to your brain last thing at night as you close your eyes trying to fall asleep.

Click to ENLARGE and view here. Yes, this is what it looks on the “CreateSpace” (a part of Amazon) dashboard. I have NOT approved it for sale. But when I do, it will be on Amazon within a few hours!
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++++ Check Categories ‘brains’ & ‘books’ >>>>
“National Orgasm Day 2016” — Just 3 Days Away; Counting Towards …
“The Female Orgasm Explained”
by ‘Medical TV’.
– 3
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“Huggins Fair 2016”, Wolfeboro, N.H. Will Be On Friday, August 5 & Saturday, August 6.
Note, it is, by tradition, strictly a Friday & Saturday event. If you go on Sunday all you will find are empty tents.
Unless it is beyond torrential rains we will be there late on Saturday, as we always are — even in heavy downpours.
See you there.