Shock HORROR! I Am NOT Going To Get A Fujifilm X-T2!

Taken with a rented (from Lumoid) Fuji X-T1 with my own Fujinon XF 18-55mm f/2.8 lens — in filtered sunlight. Click to ENLARGE and see how out of focus it is.
This may NOT sound that serious to you, but in my small (insignificant) world this is as DRAMATIC as me saying: “I am through with sex and orgasms. That is it. Starting today I will no longer, ever, have sex again and I will never have another orgasm again”!
I have publicly lusted after the replacement to the Fuji X-T1 (now the X-T2) since last October — i.e., last 10 months.
I followed everything and anything to do with the X-T2. To be fair, from what I can see, bar niggling concerns as to the efficacy of its autofocus, the X-T2 body is STILL the ‘made in heaven’, DREAM CAMERA for I. No question about that. It has everything I want in a camera body — bar the AF concerns.
But, alas and alack, the X-T2 is an interchangeable lens camera, and without a lens it is but a very expensive paperweight.
On May 18, 2016, I bought my first first Fuji — a brand new Fuji X-E2s that was to be my longterm ‘compact’ and adjunct to the X-T2 (when I got it). Then earlier this month, to coincide with the announcement of the X-T2, I rented a brand new Fuji X-T1 from Lumoid.
In the 70 days since May 18 I have taken over 10,000 pictures with the X-E2s and X-T1! And you have seen at least 700 of these!
And I am totally and utterly disillusioned with Fuji — in particular the Fuji lenses.
I have three Fuji lenses: the XF 18-55 f/2.8-4 R LM OIS, the XF 55-200mm f/3.5-4.8 R LM OIS Zoom Lens & the Fujinon XF 35mm F/2 R WR. Yes, my X-E2s body and all three lenses have the June 9, 2016 firmware updates installed.
The XF 55-200mm f:3.5-4.8 is, indubitably, THE WORST lens, by far, I have ever had the misfortune of using! It is a useless lens. Yes, every once in awhile, in perfect lighting, it will take an absolutely stunning image. But the AF on it is beyond pedestrian. It hunts for focus like there is no tomorrow. I hate that bloody lens. If it wasn’t so expensive I would smash it just for the sheer satisfaction. Luckily Amazon will let me trade it in …
The XF 35 mm is slightly better than the 55-200 — which can’t be hard given that the 55-200 sucks. But it is also a pathetic lens, especially indoors. And I got that lens to use indoors! I hate that lens too.
The 18-55 is GOOD. No question. It is a brilliant, all-round lens in all aspects. But there is only so much you can do with 18-55.
I am NOT going to spend $1,500 on a lens. Just seems wrong.
So this is the MAIN reason I am not going to get the X-T2.
I also have concerns, in addition to the MAJOR AF issue, about Fuji metering and ISO. My X-E2s is an ISO hog (and yes, I have it set to “High Performance”). For daylight shooting I have to have ISO at 1,000 and for indoor at 6,400 to get halfway decent images. Forget ISO 100, 200, 400 — even if the sun is beating down.
Fuji has, like no other camera vendor, totally driven me away — into the arms of Nikon.
Yes, this is my experience, my opinion — but it is also my money and my life.
I am going to trade in ALL my Fuji gear and start getting Nikons.
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6 Fuji X-E2s Images Of The Day — July 27, 2016.
See this post for resolution details.
NO post-processing whatsoever.
Click pictures to ENLARGE.
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Picture Of The Day — July 27, 2016.
Click pictures to ENLARGE.
Taken with my Fuji X-E2s.
Teischan had two friends, twins, over for a sleepover.
They spent this morning getting Maya and Braxton
to do tricks and take part in dog show competitions.
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ENH Power Offering 7.95cent/kWh Rate In New Hampshire — Which Is V. Very Good.

Click to ENLARGE and marvel here. Got to to access latest rates.
Huge drop in rates from November 2015! WOW.
ENH was at 10.54¢/kWh on November 24, 2015.
I got a 9.29¢/kWh rate, for 10 months, that day from ‘North American Power’ and was happy with that. I have 2-months left on that contract. I hope rates are THIS low in September when I am looking. SMILE.
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24 Hours After Priest Killed In France, Pope Francis Proclaims “NOT A War Of Religions”! What Is HE Smoking?
Yes, as a driven papal historian, I, more than most, appreciate that popes, the Vatican and many Catholic prelates do NOT want to invoke the spectre of “Religious Wars” because they know, better than most, all the atrocities that happened in the name of the ‘Crusades’ and all of the other killings in the name of religion.
But this is ABSURD even for this pope!
It makes him sound like Trump!
Yes, this is the same pope that said that “Rugby is NOT a violent” sport. At that time I ascribed that to him having ingested too much incense.
But now I suspect that he must be smoking something real potent and it isn’t just that he drinks too much ‘Mate‘.
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Wild Blueberries On A New Hampshire Beach — Halfmoon Lake, Alton.
Click pictures to ENLARGE.
On Halfmoon Lake, July 26, 2016.
Refer to this post re. blueberry crop shortage.
All taken with my Fuji X-E2s.
Attribution WILL be enforced.
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“It is Not Done … IF I Don’t Come”
– 4
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