“Aleve Direct Therapy” TENS Unit Not Available From Amazon — But “Hollywog WiTouch” Is.

From “aleve.com” no less. “Walmart” is the ONLY online supplier listed. Available, locally, at ‘Walmart’, ‘CVS’ and ‘Walgreens’. Click image to access the Aleve Website …
Amazon has REFILL Gel Pads — but not as Amazon Prime items. Click to ENLARGE.
Amazon has OTHER variants of this “Hollywog WiTouch” product. Refer to yesterday’s post. “Core Products” is one of “Hollywog’s” key distributors. Notice the difference in price. $69 vs $49.99 for the “Aleve” branding. Click to ENLARGE.
The “Aleve Direct Therapy” TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) unit as I pointed out yesterday is a re-branding of the “WiTouch” wireless TENS unit made by the curiously named “Hollywog“.
As you can see above the “Aleve” variant, at least for now, is NOT available on Amazon — which is annoying if you are I. It would have been so much easier to order it online — yesterday — and have it delivered on Tuesday (by USPS). Now I will have to go to “Walmart“. I would rather NOT order anything online from “Walmart.com” since they are definitely NOT Amazon.
Just a heads up.
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>> The “Hollywog” of the “Aleve” TENS unit maker.
Alton, N.H. Sunset, July 18, 2016 — Through A Fuji X-E2s.
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6 Fuji X-E2s Images Of The Day — July 18, 2016.
See this post for resolution details.
NO post-processing whatsoever.
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Attribution WILL be enforced.
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Amazon Delivery Is Running The U.S. Postal System (USPS) Ragged.
If you are dedicated Amazon shopper, as I am, you will, no doubt, have noticed BIG changes in Amazon’s shipping habits as of December 26, 2015 — yes, the day after Christmas. And this is irrespective of whether you are a Prime Member or not, though Prime Members may have noticed that we went through a couple of months, at the start of 2016, when Amazon was both leary and cute about initially committing to the ‘Shipping Date’ — since 2-day shipping ONLY starts as of when the product was shipped, as opposed to ordered.
The BIGGEST change, and it is very obvious, is that poor UPS, was no longer the preferred carrier. Deliveries by UPS plummeted. However, chatting with my UPS drivers (which I habitually do) we have come to the conclusion that Amazon still uses UPS for all deliveries that contain (fire hazard) Lithium batteries (which means most modern digital cameras).
Much of what was delivered by UPS is now coming via USPS. That is good and bad. The good part is that you now have Saturday deliveries. That is nice. UPS (typically) does not work on Saturdays other than around Christmas.
Heavy stuff is sent via FedEx and they too will deliver on Saturdays.
But handling the UPSURGE in Amazon packages appears to be overwhelming the Postal Service — particularly around here. On Saturday we had TWO (2) USPS deliveries. One at the normal time (~1:30pm) for our usual mail and one small Amazon package. Then our regular postman arrived at 4pm — on a Saturday — with a large ‘ShopVac’ vacuum cleaner we had ordered!
Then today, Monday, we had a delivery at 7am by USPS. 7am! Suffice to say that that was without the other mail. So we had another delivery around 1pm.
It has to be wreaking havoc at the USPS.
My UPS driver just told me (given I had a delivery from ‘Home Depot’) that he saw our regular USPS mailman driving out of the Alton Post Office this morning with a LARGE Amazon package strapped to his ROOF!
This is getting hilarious. So just a heads up. Oh! Amazon did use UPS last week to handle the extra volume due to the July 12 ‘Prime Day‘.
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Occurred to me this morning that I really should do an update on how Google’s proposed balloon-based Internet Service, ‘‘, was doing in Sri Lanka — given that they were supposed to start testing the service around March of this year.
So I Googled “Project Loon Sri Lanka”. NADA. Nothing since February 2016 — and I did a February 24, 2016. V. strange.
Then I Googled “Project Loon” and found these stories. Hhhmmm. Nothing totally disastrous but might explain the delay in Sri Lanka. Also appears that India has yet to give Google permission to try out their Helium balloons over that huge country.
Click to access “PC Mag” story.
Click to access the U.K. “Daily Mail” article.
Click to access “Independent Australia” story.
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