Archive | July 2, 2016

“Great British Bake Off” (Show) On PBS During July 6 Appears To Be Season 6 (2015) RERUN.

by Anura Guruge


Click image to access PBS/NHPR original … i.e., the schedule.

Refer to this post, June 30, 2016, and this, from June 27, 2016, for details and background.

I skimmed through the first episode that was shown at 9pm (Eastern) on Friday, July 1, 2016. It was DEFINITELY the 2015 Season/Series 6 with Nadiya, Ian (as in Dalai Lama), Prison Governor Paul Jagger and anaesthetist ‘heart-throb’ Tamal Ray etc. 

This is the Season/Series 6 Bakers
(if YOU have already forgotten).


Click to ENLARGE.

>> >>  See ‘Season 7’ News Roundup I  << <<

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by Anura Guruge


“Battle Of The Somme” #WeAreHere Tributes Across The U.K. By Uniformed Reenactment Volunteers.

by Anura Guruge

Bloodiest known battle
in all of human history.

794,238 Allied troops from the
U.K., Australia, Bermuda, Canada, India, Newfoundland,
New Zealand, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia & France
lost their life in this battle
that lasted from July 1 to November 18, 1916.

[The U.S. did NOT participate in WW I until April 6, 1917.]

This #WeAreHere reenactment by 1,500 uniformed volunteers
was to remind people of all those that were lost.
It appears that each volunteer carried business cards
showing the name one that died in the battle.

Very neat. Very British. Very touching.
Very sobering.

Click each image to access YouTube video.

Search using #wearehere for more.

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Check Red Poppy TAB at top ↑ ↑

by Anura Guruge

Time (& Clock) On Roku Is Wrong, 3 Is 3 to 6 Minutes Fast (… Known Problem).

by Anura Guruge


Roku standard screensaver showing (wrong) time.

This wrong time, which has NOTHING to do with timezones, is most obvious if you have a screensaver that displays the Roku time. Then, if like us, you also happen to have a digital clock nearby you will notice that the Roku time is off by 3 to 6 minutes.

This has been going on for quite a long time. Other than being a minor distraction it does not bother me SINCE I never watch any live programs on my Roku. It is always stuff on ‘Catch Up’ mode or on a Watch List.

There is no way to set, or correct, the Roku 3 clock. In other words there is no Date/Clock set/reset function in the Menus.

Roku, as it should, gets the time from a server. And that is the problem.

Roku support, recently, tried to fob this off as being due to your home network router having the wrong time. Most people are NOT buying that. Most modern network/Wi-Fi routers use something called the “Network Time Protocol” (NTP) to automatically (and continually) set the time per some master clocks governing the Internet. IF your router is using NTP (as it probably is) the chances are that it has the BEST possible time in the world and is unlikely to be wrong. (Yes, it is the Internet equivalent of the broadcast atomic time clocks).

For now there is no known fix. The problem is most likely a Roku server issue. I will keep an eye on this for you. Stay tuned.

I haven’t used it but check out the CLOC screensaver app that shows local weather in addition to the time.

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++++ Search ‘Roku’ for other posts >>>>

by Anura Guruge

Fujifilm X-T2 Motion-Tracking Autofocus Points Do Not Stretch Out As Much As Those On A Nikon D500.

by Anura Guruge

Nikon D500 AF points for motion stretch across the image.

The Fuji X-T2 does offer 273 autofocus points.
But all 273 are only accessible in Single-Point AF mode!


As soon as you switch to Zone or Wide Tracking
you are immediately and automatically down to
a 11 x 7 (77 point) pattern in the middle.


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++++ Check Categories ‘Fuji’ & ‘Camera Notes’ >>>>

Fujifilm X-E2s Anura Guruge cameraby Anura Guruge

“Mother Earth’s Creations”, Center Ossipee, N.H. — Tribal Pow Wow, July 2 – 3, 2016.

by Anura Guruge

Click here to access official Webpage for the Pow Wow.

Click images to ENLARGE and read here.


Related posts:
1/ 6 Images of the Day, May 21, 2016.
2/ “Honoring the Elders” — 30 Faces.
3/ “Honoring the Elders” — Candy Dance.
4/ “Honoring the Elders” — topless.

++++ Search ‘pow wow’ for more related posts >>>>

by Anura Guruge

Newspaper Clipping From 100 Years Ago On Founding Of “Sieur de Monts National Monument” — Now Acadia.

by Anura Guruge

From “The Lewiston Daily Sun” (Maine)
of Monday, August 28, 1916.


The top of the page containing the “Sieur de Monts National Monument” piece. Click to ENLARGE and enjoy here. Use link on next image to access original.

≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ ≡ 

Click image to access original scanned image by Google.

Related posts:
++++ Check ‘Acadia’ tab/page at top ↑ ↑ for lots of other posts & pictures. 

by Anura Guruge

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